Zinc sulfate, what is it for? It’s more useful than you think

Are you one of those who still do not know the zinc sulfate, what is it for? This substance has been used for many times in all Colombian homes, although you may not remember it.

This is one of those essential products for grandmothers and mothers. Perhaps, now those moments when you were sunburned and they came to your aid to apply a white cream come to mind. Well, now you should more or less know what substance we are referring to and why it could become so useful in any medicine cabinet at home.

If you have been searching for a long time, what is Merey cream for?, or what are the main uses of zinc sulfate at home, then we share an article that will be of interest to you because it will clear up any doubts you may have:

What is zinc sulfate?

Let’s start from the basics. Zinc sulfate is a dietary supplement that could serve for oral and skin rehydration, alleviate zinc deficiency in the body and help control some viruses. It can be supplied to people through zinc sulfate, zinc acetate or zinc gluconate, which are its water-soluble compounds, endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Zinc sulfate, what is it used for in adults?

Zinc turns out to be a very important mineral for humans, since it would hydrate the body and maintain certain vital functions to the maximum, such as the correct elimination of waste from the body. Sulfate could be of great help when given orally to rehydrate the body in severe diarrhea. For this last purpose, you should first consult a doctor to guide your intake. In addition, it would help in some cases to fight the normal cold, creating defenses in the body and reducing the effects of the virus.

Zinc sulfate, what is it used for in babies?

First, you should know that any way zinc sulfate is given to children must be supervised by a pediatrician. Some claim that this supplement could help children gain weight when they have nutritional problems. Also, it would be good to avoid the popular diaper rash, so it would reduce the rash on her tail once a cream with one of the zinc compounds is applied.

Zinc sulfate, what is it for on the skin?

Sulfate could be used topically in people over 16 years of age, in order to lighten and refresh minor burns (just redness) caused by prolonged exposure to the sun. In addition, zinc would be effective in reducing the appearance of acne and would also help in the healing process when this skin disease is too strong. Try to visit a dermatologist to consult about a cream that goes well with your type of dermis.

Zinc sulfate, what is it used for in plants?

This is an essential mineral for any plant, since it acts as an important stabilizer of chlorophyll. Zinc is also part of the enzymatic systems of plants, at the same time that it participates in the synthesis of proteins and the production of genetic material. A good part of the fertilizers you use for your plants contain this mineral, so this is the easiest way to take advantage of its benefits.

At Vibra, we also want to show you what chamomile tea is for, its properties and benefits. Remember to share all our content on your social networks.