Zamioculca plant spiritual meaning, Feng Shui and for luck

Zamioculca plant spiritual meaning and Feng Shui (zamioculcas for luck). The zamioculca, also known as the fortune tree because its leaves have a very vivid green tone that differentiates them from the others, is a plant native to Tanzania, Africa.

However, some cultures and philosophies such as Feng Shui use it because it is a plant that protects the environment. In addition to absorbing negative energies, it can also remove them.

In this sense, we are going to learn more about the zamioculca plant spiritual meaning, Feng Shui and for luck.


its symbolism

Zamioculca plant spiritual meaning #1 Balance of energies It all starts with balancing the energies. The zamioculca plant is excellent for this, since it absorbs negative energies and eliminates them, it does not return them to the environment, this plant has the power to eliminate, dissolve and thus cleanse the environment.

Zamioculca plant spiritual meaning #2. Prosperity It is believed that placing this plant at the entrances of environments attracts prosperity to that place, so it is ideal to place it in commercial or business environments for a better result. Believe me, it will attract good prosperity into your life! If you don’t believe me, I dare you to check it out.

Zamioculca plant spiritual meaning #3. Endurance It is a plant that favors and speaks of resistance, since it can survive conditions that other plants could not withstand.

They are able to live without water for some time and without sunlight, conditions in which any other plant would not die, which reminds us how resistant it is and makes us think that we are too, or that we can be like the zamioculca.

Zamioculca plant spiritual meaning #4. Hope If a plant can withstand conditions that sometimes border on scarcity without flinching, we, who are bigger and have other gifts and abilities, can too. The hope is to learn from the zamioculca that, after a day, another one will always appear.

Zamioculca plant spiritual meaning #5. Protection Some people associate Zamioculca with protection. They feel more protected from bad energies when they have it in their house or at the entrance of it. This is because this plant dissolves negative energies and does not allow people to weaken.

Therefore, this plant really protects people and the environment where it is found. It has a power of protection and spiritual help that is simply incredible!

Zamioculca plant spiritual meaning #6. Luck Another meaning is related to luck, but we could think globally in this regard.

Luck is a composite of several other factors, being healthy, having peace, having protection, having a family and a home, not only that, but this is already a matter of luck.

So if we analyze what this plant gives us, we will easily reach the luck factor. The plant attracts luck through the removal of bad things from our lives. We will deal with this aspect in detail later.

Zamioculca plant spiritual meaning #7. wealth and fortune As has already been said, this plant is also known as the tree of fortune, and where there is fortune, there is abundance.

But this connotation that is given to it is due to the fact that its leaves are very green, a green that differs and shines.

Zamioculca plant spiritual meaning #8. health and peace When we are balanced, energetically we are well, if our material life goes as it should, we feel at peace, and if we are at peace we are healthy, in body and mind.

This is an excellent spiritual benefit that results from all the others. So when we are protected, with energy and spiritual health, we get health and peace.

Now that we have talked about the spiritual benefits of this plant, let’s continue reading more information about it… Here are some more tips that you will love!


Zamioculca plant meaning Feng shui

As it is a plant widely used in Feng Shui, we will talk about the benefits that this plant has when working within a Feng Shui project, whether it is cleaning, harmonization or prosperity.

But first I would like to explain what Feng Shui is, for those who do not know it or have only heard of it, the word Feng Shui means wind (yang) which is an active energy and water (yin) which is a passive energy, a philosophy that believes that we can change our thoughts and ways of thinking, from modifications made in the environments where we live.

Many elements are used for this, such as colors that should be calm in some environments and more intense in others, and the use of plants is part of this harmonization with their sizes and types of energy that we want to attract. Hence, the meaning in Feng Shui of this plant is precisely prosperity and harmonization.


Zamioculcas for luck. What to do and where to place it?

As mentioned, this plant is associated with prosperity, abundance and fortune. To attract luck, it is recommended to have it at the entrance of the rooms or in the same environment that generates a lot of movement in the house.

It is important to point out that knowing that a plant can attract luck and abundance makes the inhabitants of that house think about it and end up attracting them.

That is to say, it is not only required that this plant be found in the home, but also that the direction of the thoughts of everyone who lives in that home be directed towards the same purpose because it is useless to have objects that «promote» luck if they do not we believe in it, the same goes for plants.

We have to believe in this luck, in this power and in this «magic» that the plant carries. Our faith is as important or more than the plant itself.

An observation, if the plant begins to present yellow leaves, this does not mean that the energy of the environment is bad or saturated, since it absorbs and eliminates these energies, the yellow leaves may be an excess of water, you may be watering the plant too much. .


In summary

Everything that comes from nature is an element of luck and good fluids, if we direct positive thoughts of health and peace towards these elements.

Having plants at home is always very good! This is because they force us to breathe deeply and feel the freshness of the air in these environments where green predominates.

also know Feng shui and protective, positive and good luck plants for the house

Feng Shui has to do with the balance of energies. Feng means wind and Shui means water and in Chinese culture both wind and water (Read more)

In addition, they serve as true therapists for those who like and talk to their plants, for those who hug or feel the earth in their pots. This contact with nature, even in a minimal way, is very important for all of us.

After all, whenever we are in an environment where green predominates, we exchange energies and we always leave the bad ones with the plants and take the good ones with us, which is not selfish, it is part of the intention of having plants and more areas green in the world.


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