Young man dances with his lifeless baby on TikTok and they ask him to stop uploading videos

Great controversy was generated in social networks due to the young man dancing with his lifeless baby on TikTok, whose videos went viral. Would you be able to do something like that?

Losing a baby is one of the most traumatic experiences a woman can go through; is a tragedy that many are not able to face publicly, as It happened to Carolina Cruzwho only revealed the story of his loss a year later.

Although there is supposed to be a psychological protocol for such cases, the truth is that each person has their own way of grieving. Some do farewell rituals, others write and there are those who prefer to dance. That made a tiktoker and her videos are going around the world, not without controversy.

She is the young woman who dances with her lifeless baby on TikTok

The woman, who in one of her posts claimed to be 21 years old, shared multiple videos throughout her pregnancy, almost always dancing, showing her little belly with pride and happiness; however, in mid-May 2021, she shared a heartbreaking clip to her 107K+ followers reporting that her baby was stillborn. She but she did it in a very particular way.

«Black humor at its best 😌 Let me face this in peace, please»

He wrote Lexxxieb (as he is known in said social network) along with a video in which he appears dancing with the body of who would be his baby.

This video was followed by many others where the girl dances with the little creature and in many of them it is seen that she is still in the hospital.

“I saw it and I feel so bad. She is there, in the back of my head”

«I’m having nightmares about this»

These are some of the comments that the post received before I decided to disable comments.

At the request of many of her followers to stop uploading this type of material, she responded with more videos and reposting some of those that had been removed by the social network, arguing that they help her cope with the loss of his daughter.

Why won’t TikTok download your videos?

According to the portal hashtag hyenaa TikTok spokesperson explained that the videos did not violate community policies, as they were not graphic or violent.

«Our concern is also for the well-being of our users, including the woman who shared her experience and those who may have viewed the content, and after careful review, we have removed the videos in question.»

The TikTok spokesman would have indicated to the aforementioned medium.

However, the material is available again, as noted above, but now with a «sensitive material» warning.

What do you think of the way this young American is coping with the loss of her little girl? Write what you think in the comments of this note and share it on your social networks.