You would practice yoga and in a group but naked

It seems that more and more women in the United States openly practice this new style of Yoga, so much so that there are already rooms where you have to wear an Eva suit, obviously Adams also practices it.

A new trend is naked yoga, which is practiced in a room, obviously without clothes. Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Salt Lake City are some of the cities that already join this practice.

Yogis say that being nude helps deepen their practice, stimulates ultimate appreciation, acceptance and love for their bodies, and also creates intimate bonds with the people in their yoga community. Claudia, a woman discovered that ‘doing yoga without clothes was like being honest with myself and with my body. I feel that I do not hide anything, that I give everything and thus I manage to break with the limitations and barriers that one usually puts on out of modesty, social customs or mandates’.

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Naked yoga is gaining more and more followers as some practitioners claim to have achieved greater sexual fulfillment. Yoga is a physical and mental discipline that originated in India. It provides different benefits to the body, from increasing flexibility and strength to helping the healthy performance of various organs.

To lead a full life according to the doctrines of yoga, three needs must be satisfied: physical, psychological and spiritual. When all three needs are present, there is harmony.

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