Lemon is perhaps the most democratic fruit. It exists in almost every home: that additive that we spread to snacks and serves to make the simplest fresh water in the world. We have it in our home many times without noticing it and it is also, for example, an inescapable companion to our party drinks, but it is time to also notice everything that its shell, unexpectedly, can do for you.
One of the most accessible ways to take advantage of the peels of some fruits, such as pineapple or citrus fruits, is to use them as tea. When you boil water with some of these covers, the liquid naturally absorbs, in addition to its flavor, many of its properties, which are also released by the heat.
The lemon peel is usable to prepare it in tea; Contains citronella, phellandrene, vitamin C, citric, malic and formic acid, hesperidin and pectins, among other positive substances for health. Its preparation is quite simple and, considering that almost all of us have a lemon on hand, it will be very useful.
We list some incredible properties of lemon peel tea. All you have to do is bring water with the shell attached to it to boil.
For beauty:
To health:
More in :
Know the anticancer properties of lemon peel
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