You should definitely pay attention to THAT!

Many sugar substitutes are highly toxic to dogs because they contain a high insulin secretion cause. Even small amounts can be life-threatening for dogs. Sorbitol is also a sugar substitute, but has a natural origin.

But is sorbitol also toxic to dogs? In this article you will find out everything you need to know about sorbitol and dogs.

In a nutshell: Is sorbitol toxic to dogs?

Sorbitol is not toxic to dogs in small amounts. It will even in some dog treats or chews used. In contrast to other sugar substitutes, sorbitol does not cause excessive insulin release in dogs.

However, the recommended amount should always be adhered to when feeding side effects, which can sometimes be dangerous. Common side effects of taking too much sorbitol are stomach and bowel problems.

Sorbitol as an additive in dog food

Sorbit or sorbitol is a sugar substitute and has fewer calories than normal sugar. It is commonly referred to as additive used in dog treats and chews to increase the smoothness of the product.

Sorbitol comes from a natural source and also comes in stone fruit such as plums. Sorbitol does not cause the dog’s blood sugar level to rise much.

In addition, sorbitol is found in the dog’s body not mined. This means that it does not enter the bloodstream but is excreted again. Therefore, it does not produce a high insulin release.

However, with an increased amount of this sweetener, it can increase stomach and intestinal problems come in dogs. Puppies in particular should be used with caution, as they are more sensitive to sorbitol.

The side effects of sorbitol are similar to those seen in humans when consuming too much sweetener. To the symptoms include stomach pain, bloating, nausea and diarrhea.

How much sorbitol is safe?

In small amounts, sorbitol is harmless. Because sorbitol is also contained in some animal feed. Basically, you should always refer to the Recommended daily dose hold to rule out side effects.

The recommended daily dose is always aimed at adult dogs. puppies should not receive any sorbitol as their bodies cannot yet process the sweetener.

pregnant or lactating bitches should also not consume sorbitol. It can be passed on to the puppies via the mother, which can disrupt their development.

Good to know:

Dogs are small though sweet tooth, but should not eat any sweets if possible. Chocolate is particularly dangerous for dogs. Even small amounts of chocolate can lead to poisoning.

This is due to the theobromine contained in cocoa. Dogs can only break this down very slowly. If you suspect your dog might Chocolate eaten, you should take him to the vet as soon as possible.

How do I recognize sorbitol poisoning in dogs?

Sorbitol poisoning is initially recognized by severe stomach and intestinal problems. This is followed by fainting and seizures, up to and including coma. If the dog is not treated quickly, this can dangerous become.

Although sorbitol is not harmful to dogs in moderation, it may be overdose change. Because then there is also an increase in insulin levels.

Then it sinks blood sugar levels drastically after a short time, causing liver damage.

When should I go to the vet?

As soon as your dog shows symptoms of poisoning, it should be taken to the vet immediately. fainting, seizures or fatigue are sure signs that the dog needs veterinary attention.

Also at severe stomach and intestinal problemsthat persist for a longer period of time, the veterinarian should be consulted. Diarrhea and vomiting lead to a high loss of water in the body.

is the dog dehydratedthis can have further health consequences, which in the worst case can be fatal.

Which sweeteners are toxic to dogs?

While sorbitol is safe in small amounts, other sweeteners like xylitol can cause severe poisoning – even in small amounts. xylitol also known as birch sugar and is a popular sugar substitute among people.

For dogs, however, xylitol is already in small amounts highly toxic. Xylitol causes a strong release of insulin. This causes the blood sugar level to plummet after a short time.

This is followed by severe symptoms of poisoning such as vomiting, diarrhea, cramps and fainting. In many cases, however, the liver is permanently damaged, leading to liver failure leads.

If you enjoy using sugar substitutes yourself, consider using them at a sheltered place stow away to avoid risk.


In the right dosage, sorbitol is not dangerous for dogs. Only at one overdose fatal symptoms of poisoning can occur.

Who always remembers Recommended daily dose for dogs, need not worry about poisoning. Only puppies and pregnant and nursing bitches should not consume sorbitol.

When buying dog food, do you pay attention to certain ingredients such as sorbitol or similar?