You must consult the tarot of truth even if it hurts

Couples no longer last a lifetime. Fewer and fewer workers are able to stay more than a couple of years in the same job. Not infrequently, a friendship betrays for money. Or a close relative secretly reveals that he hurts you deeply. Your wife leaves you and goes with your best friend or your husband leaves you alone and goes with your best friend. Either your wife leaves with her best friend or your husband leaves with her partner and close friend. Or they all leave your life together and leave you alone. The reality is harsh.

The world no longer offers guarantees. Given the uncertainty and unease that this generates, every day more and more Spaniards consult the tarot of truth even if it hurts on the phone to know, first hand and through an invaluable source of information, precise data and good predictions. Without a doubt, knowing what the future holds helps them face each day with greater certainty and security. To get out of bed with a project and with enthusiasm.

The problem arises when, when going to a clairvoyant or tarot reader who is an expert in card reading, some consultants become disillusioned or feel cheated. It happens when the tarot shows you messages that you do not want to hear or that are not necessarily positive and encouraging. Not everyone is prepared and with an open mind to hear the truth even if it hurts. And that is why in some opinion forums on the Internet you will find people discouraging tarot reading or discrediting those who offer the service. Simply because they thought that the letters would only tell them «nice things» or would only bring good news.

The truth is that life is full of ups and downs, and that doesn’t stop it from having magic and light. Waiting for the arcana, through the cards, to point out only the positive, is child’s play. You have to be ready to face the truth even if it hurts and incorporate the negative as one more part of our life, which should not be rejected or denied.

For whom is the tarot of truth even if it hurts

If you are a nervous or very anxious person, it is best to try to relax and take a deep breath before communicating with your extremely trusted seer or tarot reader. If you are an insecure person or one who finds it very difficult to make decisions, fully trust the person in charge of the card reading (cartomancer).

It’s about a expert professional in the field and guide you through the query, so you can feel comfortable asking the cards what you want to know.

Also when we talk about the tarot that tells the truth even if it hurts, we refer to the truth tarot that with a single card gives you precise information about a certain area of ​​your life.

How is it done? The tarot cards are shuffled well and the person selects twelve cards from the deck. These twelve figures will «speak» and «manifest» the truth about a specific theme: love, friends or money. The order of the different areas to which these letters will respond is as follows:

  • How is the current employment situation in every sense? Include the type of job, salary, co-workers, boss, etc.
  • The most intimate social environment of the person consulting. Your daily support network (who you turn to when you have a conflict).
  • Those material goods (or even people) that the person longs to have. possession desires.
  • Pending or unresolved issues in the querent’s life. Those topics that always come back unfinished and that require a cycle closure.
  • Upcoming changes that must be faced. Challenges and nearby challenges.
  • The present, the current situation in general. How is this person today?
  • Love life or the possibility (or not) of finding a partner. Is the person truly open to love?
  • The economy and finances.
  • The state of health. Possible diseases.
  • The type of relationship and communication that the person maintains with their inner circle or close environment.
  • The pleasures of life.
  • Family, friends and relatives.

Each figure (among the major and minor arcana) will account for the current situation in that area of ​​life in particular. There are no two cards for the same circumstance or a second chance. The chosen card will manifest the truth, even if it hurts. Before going to the tarot of luck, the consultant should be clear that the cards do not lie. They always tell the truth. Therefore, if the negative things that appear in a card spread were not said, the consultant would be deceived. And you Are you prepared to face the truth even if it hurts?