You can now live in Pedro Picapiedra's house

So we know how happy you will be to power rent the house of Pebbles. The recreated Housing of the Picapiedra is located in the Magic Town of Mazamitla in the state of Jalisco in Mexico And it is one of the great attractions of the place. You can rent it by Airbnb to organize an unforgettable vacation. The Picapiedra residence is available for eight people And it has terrace, fireplace, kitchen, dining room, living room and a large patio to make fires. In addition, it has three bedrooms, television service and two complete bathrooms.

And this is not all! Not only can you rent the house of your childhood but you can also have parked The famous trunkavil How many of us do not dream of driving it? Well In Mazamitla your dreams will come true. You will not be able to handle it, but you can get on the trunk and take incredible photos with your friends and family.

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The next bridge can have fun and with the necessary social isolation measures If I income the house of the Picapiedra. Besides, Mazamitla is a town that you can go to fall in love with their corners and charming sites. Mazamitla is located in the Sierra de Jalisco and is surrounded by Lake Chapala. Its landscapes are cobbled roads, white houses with wooden gates and tile roofs. Winter is the perfect station to visit this place because it is in a forest which makes it ideal to feel the Christmas spirit and enjoy a time near nature.

He lives as Pedro and his whole family by renting the house departure from the stone era for a price that does not exceed 3,500 Mexican pesos per night. You will enjoy spending a few days in an atmosphere exit of cartoons. To the interior of the house has furniture that simulates being made of stone so you will think you sleep in rock bed, but you will feel a real break.