Yes, virtual infidelity exists – Online Psychologists

Do you think that the infidelity does it involve having sex with another person? The concept of infidelity goes beyond that and, in fact, it is a concept that has been enlarged due to the progress of the Internet. Social media is the medium through which deception has become easier.

Here is the debate: Does infidelity exist when there is physical contact? Caresses, kisses, sexual relations… Or There are more ways to be unfaithful?

Traits of any infidelity

It makes no difference if two people are not face to face. Infidelity also happens through the screen. There are always some common characteristics:

  • Your partner has created an emotional bond with a third personAnd yes, it often happens through social media. Don't be surprised. There are many times when we become fond of someone through messages, just because they treat us well and pay attention to us.
  • Your partner lies to you. The moment he resorts to deception to try to hide something from you, it means something is wrong.
  • Your partner betrays you with that third personeither by expressing desire or love through messages or by meeting up with her.
  • Your partner has broken the engagement that comes with having a relationship.

It is not worth excusing infidelity with relationship problems. In fact, in these cases, it is better to go to a online couples therapy It can be useful if you both want to commit to a future together.

Lack of self-esteem? You don't need to be unfaithful to feel more loved, even if you think you do. What you do need to do is work on your insecurities and strengthen your personality.

Lack of confidence? Communication. Talk to your partner and find a way to move forward stronger.

Have you been disappointed by having a partner? Not what you expected? Be honest. Tell him that you don't feel ready for a relationship, but don't play with the feelings of someone who really loves you.

What is virtual infidelity?

Your partner can create an emotional bond through the screen. That is, you can have feelings for another person. In addition, your partner can view materials, exchange messages and send content, all of which are sexual in nature.

The mistake is to think that sexual activities cannot be carried out over the Internet. Cybersex is the new reality And even if you can't meet face to face, your partner and that third person can interact sexually, leading to arousal and masturbation.

Fear of guns is a sign of sexual delay and emotional maturity.

Sigmund Freud

There are those who think that it is not an infidelity because it resembles pornography or because it is not considered real, since you do not know the person behind the screen and imagination and fantasy come into play. Be careful with what you consider it real or not. The more time you spend in that “unreal” world, the more real it becomes.

However, for most couples, Virtual adventures are a hoax and they are just as painful as infidelities in “real life.”

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How do I know if my partner is cheating on me online?

If your partner is being unfaithful, you will see some obvious signs.

  • He spends a lot of time glued to his phone and is constantly checking it.
  • Try to hide conversations or turn your phone around when you are next to them or when you walk by.
  • He smiles when he gets messages, but you don't know who they're from.
  • Delete messages from WhatsApp and other apps and delete search history from any social network.
  • You see him taking photos and sending them to someone you don't know.
  • You catch him in little lies.

If you are facing infidelity, it is time to ask yourself some questions: Does your partner regret having cheated on you? Are you in love? Are you willing to forgive and put the infidelity behind you? Is there a commitment on both sides to be a good couple?

If you do not reach an agreement with your partner, we recommend that you contact the team at online psychologists from to deal with aspects related to trust and communication or to sexologists if your problems are of a more intimate nature.

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  • We have been leaders in online psychological care since 2012.
  • First informational appointment free.
  • Online therapy from 40 euros per session.
  • Team of senior psychologists, with decades of experience.
  • All the therapy we offer is via videoconference. 100% confidential.
  • The same psychologist will attend to you throughout the treatment.
  • At you do not lose the money for the sessions. If you cannot connect or are not there, the session is postponed to another day.
  • Attention in Spanish, English and Catalan.

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