Yes or no? (7 tips)

Would you like to add a second dog to your old dog? No matter what your motives are, this decision should be well thought out.

Then not every dog ​​is happy about a new playmate and the effort is usually much higher.

In this article you will find out what you should pay attention to before getting a new dog.

Keep second dog to old dog – yes or no?

There are things that speak for and against a second dog. How you answer the question is entirely up to you.

We list the advantages and disadvantages of a second dog to make your decision easier.


  1. If the dogs actually get along well, you can safely leave them alone and take care of the shopping in peace.
  1. Both dogs can learn from each other and teach each other something.
  1. If the two dogs get along, they have a playmate and can compete together against the competition and defend the territory.


  1. Both dogs need the same amount of attention and can fight for your love.
  1. Your expenses are skyrocketing! And if you’re unlucky, not just double. Maybe your second dog is sick more often or needs different food.
  1. Every dog ​​is different and it may be that the two fur noses do not understand each other. In the worst case, you have to give the second dog back.

Whether you adopt a friend’s dog out of pity or you’re looking for a new playmate for your furry friend, think twice.

Apart from the fact that the effort with two dogs is usually not twice as high, but many times higheryour fur nose might want to stay alone.

How do I get my old dog used to a second dog?

In order to avoid stress with the new dog, you must first bring your furry friend together with the new dog and get them used to each other.

It’s best to first make sure that you two private areas create: Area A for your old dog and Area B for your new dog.

Get your four-legged friend used to the fact that you have less time for him and at the same time show him that you love him just as much as before.

It can make sense to take turns visiting friends and acquaintances who also have a dog with your furry friend.

Reward your dog every time he behaves right towards another dog.

Bring the two roommates together in a neutral place in good time. This way they can get to know each other before they live together.

Second dog to old dog: 7 helpful tips

Before you bring a second furry friend into your home, there are a few things you need to consider. Otherwise the two dogs may hate each other.

  1. Pay attention to the right sex and the age difference: According to Martin Rütter, it makes sense if the dogs are of the same sex.
  1. The age difference should be between four and five years. Also, males get along best, but two females will work, too.
  1. The first dog should already have completed the basic training and the young dog phase.
  1. You must be able to guarantee that you are giving both dogs the same amount of love and attention to avoid jealousy.
  1. It is important that you find out beforehand whether your breed can even get along with a second dog and if so, which breeds.
  1. If you wish to adopt related dogs, the mother and son or father and daughter relationship is best as there is little competition.
  1. A pair of siblings is not so good, since the bond is usually so close that you as the owner do not interfere and are rejected.

How can I work on the bond between both dogs?

So that you don’t have to give your new four-legged friend back, both dogs should bond with each other.

Above all, training together can be useful, as you can act as a team and share a sense of achievement have.

It is best to walk both dogs together and let them play in a meadow.

Let your old dog teach your new furry friend and praise him when the second dog has been able to learn something successfully.

Don’t watch the two of them all the time, but give them a chance to spend time alone with each other. Only intervene if someone becomes aggressive.

Avoid food envy by setting up a separate feeding place for both furry friends and feeding them both at the same time.


It may make sense to get a second dog. Sometimes it encourages your four-legged friend’s social side and makes him less bored.

So that it doesn’t backfire, you have to first find out which breeds your furry friend gets along with and if she even wants a roommate.

Make sure the two get to know each other properly before the second dog moves in with you.

Do you have two or even more dogs and do you know what to expect from the owners? Then tell us by leaving a comment.