Yellow people: spontaneous relationships that do not cause attachment – Online Psychologists

Have you ever felt a special connection with a stranger? That person who passes by fleetingly but is able to brighten your day simply with a smile. We are referring to the yellow peoplein case you haven't heard of them, even Coldplay has written a song to refer to them and it couldn't have any other title than 'Yellow'Stop and think and you will surely remember some unknown person that you have not seen again and that with a simple act has changed you for the better, right? Well, that is what we will talk about in this article.

Why yellow?

The idea comes from Albert Espinosa, a Spanish screenwriter, writer, playwright, actor and film director. He has participated in major film successes such as the film '4th floor' or as a director in the television series 'Red Bracelets'At the age of 14, he became the protagonist of the latter when he was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, which led to the loss of a leg, a lung and part of his liver. Ten years behind the hospital walls and three recurrences of the cancer were not enough to make him lose his smile and be able to find a way to move forward in a positive way.

In addition to the prestige that the film world has generated for him, throughout his career he has also written several books, including 'The Yellow World' where he expresses experiences from life itself, the discoveries he acquired during his illness and talks about the 'yellows', that spontaneous relationship that does not cause roots but that helps you to be better person.

Yellow is the color of the sun, of light, of warmth, and so are the people who just with their presence or a small act, light your way or make it a little more enjoyable.

What does a yellow person bring to me?

They are that change of chip that you needed to give it a change to your lifeIt's the conversation with your best friend's grandfather who is full of wisdom and offers you his best advice, the girl you meet in the bathroom at a party and you feel like you'd confide in all your secrets, or the pregnant woman you give up your seat for on the bus and who, with a simple «thank you,» makes you feel like you've done a good job. The little things always make a difference and these people, without meaning to, have influenced our lives for the better.

According to Albert, throughout our lives we find 23 yellows, however, they are all numbers and each person is a world. Not all of us flow in the same way and that is why the number can vary, probably The more you flow the more yellow people you will find and vice versa.

What are these meetings like?

The first thing you should know is that you don't look for encounters, they just appear. If you walk down the street thinking and looking for a yellow person, you will certainly not find him. It is an act spontaneouswithout defining it, at the moment you least expect it, it will appear. You will recognize it as a person who, without knowing it, gives you that trust What do you expect from someone? You feel like you can count on them for whatever you need, and that if you ask them, they will be there.

The duration of the meeting can vary, maybe it's a minute or maybe you spend a whole morning chatting with her, what makes it different from any friendship is that when the time comes to say goodbye, it won't hurt. You've simply had a conversation or a gesture that will change your perspective on life. That's why you will not feel emotional dependence, When she walks away, you don't miss her. Will I ever see her again? If I do, it will be as natural as the first time, you'll feel excited about it and everything will be as if no time had passed.

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