Yarrow magical and esoteric properties (for rituals)

Yarrow magical properties We receive many questions related to plants and their magical properties for the performance of different rituals (to attract money, love, health, etc.)

On this occasion, we want to deal with one that is very famous for its healing virtues, but that also has its esoteric side that we are going to reveal. We are referring to the yarrow, also called yarrow.

Let’s see, next, the yarrow its general and botanical appearance.


General features

Yarrow is a hardy perennial that grows pretty much anywhere it can get good drainage and full sun. It has long, feathery leaves that hold the angular stem at the base. It’s a bit hairy.

Flowers appear in mid-spring and continue into fall. They are very small, look like miniature daisies, and appear in terminal clusters. They are usually white or lilac, but there are varieties of many different colors, such as yellow and deep burgundy. Let’s see, now, the yarrow magical and esoteric properties.


spiritual aspect

Yarrow magical and esoteric properties #1 Keep away the negative In the Middle Ages, yarrow was thought to help ward off negativity. It was used in complicated Christian exorcism rituals.

Yarrow scattered across the threshold will prevent the entry of evil spirits.


Yarrow magical and esoteric properties # 2 Cleanses the aura Yarrow is associated with Aphrodite, Hermes, and the hero Achilles. She is ruled by Venus and the element of water and is associated with the seventh chakra.

Yarrow essence can be used as a general aura cleanser and strengthenerproviding strong overall protection for the personal energy field.


Yarrow magical and esoteric properties #3 Facilitates divination and prophetic dreams For centuries, yarrow has been used for divination and prophecy.

The stems are traditionally used to do the I Ching and the flowers can be added to dream pillows to encourage dreams. prophetic or premonitory dreams. Rubbing the eyelids with yarrow is said to increase psychic abilities. It can be used in incense or oil for divination.

Yarrow tea can also be drunk before rituals of fortune telling, and to help the mind focus on a specific subject, or avoid distractions. It is especially useful for psychic communication with a loved one and, in times of conflict, can help you and your loved one see things from each other’s point of view.


Yarrow magical and esoteric properties #4 Makes it easier to find love and keep it Yarrow has also been used in love rituals and in rituals to contact or search for a specific person.

In Europe, a red flannel bag was stuffed with yarrow and placed under your pillow to get a glimpse of your future spouse in your dreams on Saint John’s day.

Hanging a bunch of yarrow over the bed on the wedding night is supposed to ensure lasting love. Adding it to the bouquet or garlands worn by the bride and groom has the same effect.


Yarrow magical and esoteric properties #5 Protects babies and pregnant women Formerly, it was said that hanging a bunch of yarrow over the cradle protected the baby from witches They were trying to steal his soul.

It is also used as an amulet for pregnant women; keep it on the right side to facilitate delivery.


Yarrow magical and esoteric properties #6 Facilitates healing While it is true that yarrow has great healing properties, it is also important to note that it facilitates spiritual healing. In this sense, it is said that you have to pluck the leaves of the plant with your left hand while saying the name of the patient.

Another ancient healing secret states that to cure a headache, a leaf is sometimes put into the nose.


Preparation and dosage (internal consumption)

If you want to take it to facilitate divination and prophetic dreams, here it is: Pour a cup of boiling water over 1 or 2 teaspoons of dried herb and let it steep for 10-15 minutes. Take before going to sleep.

In case you want to improve your physical and mental health, it is recommended to mix 1 teaspoon of leaves and flowers of yarrow, 1 teaspoon of elderflower dry and 1/2 teaspoon of dried mint, and a cup of boiling water. Let stand for 10 minutes. Drink up to 3 times a day.


Interesting data

The hero of the Trojan War, Achilles, is said to have been taught by Chiron, the centaur, to use yarrow to treat the wounds of his soldiers. For centuries, soldiers wore yarrow to war for this reason. One story says that the plant originally grew from the rust he scraped off his spear. The botanical name translates to “Thousand Leaf Achilles Herb”.

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Yarrow is also famous in Asia. It is said to grow around the tomb of Confucius and in China it is said that yarrow brightens the eyes and promotes intelligence.

In another Asian tradition, it is said that where yarrow grows, there is no need to fear wild beasts or poisonous plants.

If you want to know more about the yarrow magical and esoteric properties,. You can send us your doubts or questions to our email or ask your question in the comments section that appears below.


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