Xoloitzcuintle dog: history and importance in Mexican culture

The Xoloitzcuintle is a very peculiar dog breed. Not only is it a crazy animal like Dante, Miguel's pet in Coconutbut in Mexico it represents accompaniment, fidelity and above all, mysticism. But beyond the legend load it possesses, it is the original race of our country, which is part of the native fauna.

The Xoloitzcuintle – also called Xoloitzcuintli, Xoloescle or Simply, Xolo– It is a small puppy, although some grow quite a lot and its main characteristic is that they have no fur. In fact, the size defines that they are guardians or companions, according to the Mexican culture, because they are closely associated with it. Likewise, the Xoloitzcuintle was declared cultural heritage and symbol of the CDMX.

The Xoloitzcuintles are part of the Mexican culture.Instants / Getty Images.

What is the history and meaning of Xoloitzcuintle?

There is much talk about sacred cows in India, or cats in Egypt, but in Mexico, The Xoloitzcuintle is precisely the equivalent. That is, they are venerated since the pre -Hispanic era for being the guardians of the spirits of the deceased and apparently guiding souls through Mictlán, the city of the dead.

The Xoloitzcuintle is associated with the God of death, Xolo.Peterhermesfurian / Getty Images.

What is the legend of the Xoloitzcuintle for the Aztecs?

These bald puppies are considered the guardians and companions of souls. It was believed that the Xoloescuincles fulfilled the function of helping to pass souls in the deepest and most caudalous of the land of the dead. But it was not so simple, people had to be careful with dogs in life, and although they were feared, it was enough to have respect. However, if there was violence towards them, the Xolos could refuse to guide them in the underworld and take the soul between teeth to undo it.

Indeed, The Xoloitzcuintles had the mission of leaving the dead safely When «the time will come.» But they were not only valued in death, but in life they were associated with fear, even, but also permanent care, due to their sensitive skin and the playful ones that are by nature.

Legend in itself, tells that SI The Xoloescle is total black cannot lead to the souls on the other side of the river inside the Mictlán, Well, the color is a sign that he has already immersed in the river many times and, therefore, has already guided different people. Now, If the Xolo is white or very clear, he could not cross the river since it is indicative of its youth and inexperience. So The xoloitzcuintles must be of a brown or gray tone jaspeado, which are the most common colors of dogs, to fulfill such a task.

What God is related to Xoloitzcuintle?

The name of the breed itself is an allusion to the God with which it is related: Xolotlmaster and lord of death. Therefore, People feared the Xolos and took good care of thembut as usually happens with the puppies, they earned the hearts of humans and ended up being part of the Aztec families.