{"id":13965,"date":"2022-10-06T06:11:49","date_gmt":"2022-10-06T13:11:49","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.despertarmagia.com\/the-hot-scene-that-everyone-was-waiting-for-in-the-law-of-the-heart\/"},"modified":"2022-10-06T06:11:49","modified_gmt":"2022-10-06T13:11:49","slug":"the-hot-scene-that-everyone-was-waiting-for-in-the-law-of-the-heart","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.despertarmagia.com\/the-hot-scene-that-everyone-was-waiting-for-in-the-law-of-the-heart\/","title":{"rendered":"The hot scene that everyone was waiting for in The Law of the Heart"},"content":{"rendered":"
The Law of the Heart is a program that is gaining strength, each time it enchants more and more viewers who are hooked<\/strong> with the stories that are aired every night, there is everything, romance, fights, work and love. <\/p>\n From the first season of The Law of the Heart, the followers were waiting for the scene of Mar\u00eda del Pilar and Nicol\u00e1s where they finally decided to love each other<\/strong> and it arrived, it was a scene that raised the temperature and put everyone in expectation mode, it was never a secret that between these two characters there was always a very strong chemistry, even many were losing hope about this couple, until finally the moment. In the chapter Nicol\u00e1s asked Mar\u00eda del Pilar for an opportunity, and she, despite her doubts, decided to give it to him and here are some photographs of the meeting. <\/strong><\/p>\n Tiki, taka, romantic. #TheLawOfHeart2<\/a> \u2192 https:\/\/t.co\/aJ6HeAripN pic.twitter.com\/yzUajTwHRa<\/a><\/p>\n \u2013 The Law of the Heart (@LaLeyDelCorazon) September 25, 2018<\/a><\/p>\n Incredibly Nicholas at first did not want to, but finally it happened and this long-awaited scene obviously had several comments on social networks and thanks to them the novel and the names of the characters were trending on Twitter<\/strong> for several hours. Apparently the soap opera is going to the top. <\/p>\n the sincerity of @MaDelPiGarces<\/a> left speechless @DoNicOrtega<\/a> with his loving performance. #TheLawOfHeart2<\/a> \u2192 https:\/\/t.co\/aJ6HeAripN pic.twitter.com\/gkFSn0cxRl<\/a><\/p>\n \u2013 The Law of the Heart (@LaLeyDelCorazon) September 25, 2018<\/a><\/p>\n also vibrates with: Fight between the actresses of the Law of the Heart?<\/p>\n Information from: Metro. <\/em><\/p>\n<\/div>\nHow are you? The most anticipated of all. Share on social networks. It’s worth it! <\/strong><\/h4>\n