Dulce Mar\u00eda provoked a revolution in her social networks by photo with a green bikini\u2026<\/p>\n
In Colombia we met her as the wild Roberta from the Mexican telenovela Rebelde and also as a member of the successful youth musical group RBD -emerged from this same production-, do you remember? How to forget! The Rebel girls set a trend in the early 2000s, we all started dressing like schoolgirls!<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=aontL2XUiQY\n<\/p>\n Watch video<\/span><\/p>\n Well, Dulce Mar\u00eda decided to dedicate herself fully to music, so she launched herself as a soloist, and she hasn’t done badly in her own land! These days she is on tour in the charro country, where many of her fans are concentrated. But as we must continue to set trends in the world of fashion, the singer changed her school uniform for a spectacular green bikini<\/strong>which has gone viral on social media\u2026<\/p>\n also vibrates with: Another crazy trend: wearing your shirt inside out<\/p>\n share this note<\/strong>your friends will love to know what this exRBD is up to!<\/p>\n Look at the comments that generated controversy #Photo<\/a> of @Anahi<\/a> => https:\/\/t.co\/wCNONeHT0g pic.twitter.com\/cJo8BAscQg<\/a><\/p>\n \u2013 Your heart Viiiiibra (@Vibra1049) March 7, 2017<\/a><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\nThe post garnered more than 100,000 likes in record time. He made the men sigh, and us to take note of the cute green bikini!<\/h4>\n