{"id":13732,"date":"2022-10-05T14:08:19","date_gmt":"2022-10-05T21:08:19","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.despertarmagia.com\/your-worst-defect-according-to-your-zodiac-sign\/"},"modified":"2022-10-05T14:08:19","modified_gmt":"2022-10-05T21:08:19","slug":"your-worst-defect-according-to-your-zodiac-sign","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.despertarmagia.com\/your-worst-defect-according-to-your-zodiac-sign\/","title":{"rendered":"Your worst defect according to your zodiac sign"},"content":{"rendered":"

Few things are as difficult as recognizing your own flaws, fortunately the stars can help you with that and with this information you will discover your worst flaw.<\/p>\n

If you read the horoscope and know how the planets influence all aspects of life, from personality to the way you dress, you should know that the zodiac sign under which you were born also exerts a lot of power over the dark side of our way of life. be; how are they difficult to look in the mirror and recognize our own flaws<\/strong>here we tell you\u2026<\/p>\n

Are you ready to meet your worst flaw?<\/h2>\n

Aries:<\/strong> Your worst defect is authoritarianism, do you understand why they call you \u00abbossy\u00bb?<\/p>\n


Taurus:<\/strong> You already know, everyone tells you, stubbornness is your worst flaw!<\/p>\n


Gemini:<\/strong> You are excessively superficial and that can be a very big defect in a world that lives more and more on appearances.<\/p>\n


Cancer:<\/strong> Your big flaw is melodrama, for all show weapons!<\/p>\n


Leo:<\/strong> Pride is the defect that always makes your bread burn on the oven door.<\/p>\n


Virgo:<\/strong> If you are one of those who in job interviews answers \u00abperfectionist\u00bb when asked about your flaw, in your case it is not an answer to get by!<\/p>\n


Pound:<\/strong> Your big flaw is anger, which can even border on hysteria.<\/p>\n


Scorpio:<\/strong> Your fault is that you are too intense.<\/p>\n


Sagittarius:<\/strong> Your worst flaw is that you think you’re always right (even now, when they say \u00abme? never\u00bb). <\/p>\n


Capricorn:<\/strong> Although you try to always show a smile, deep down you are a full-time pessimist.<\/p>\n


Aquarium:<\/strong> One flaw that has never let you be happy is your chronic allergy to commitment.<\/p>\n


Pisces:<\/strong> Being so distracted has brought you many of the misfortunes you’ve been through in life.<\/p>\n


Share this note on your social networks, your friends will love it! <\/strong><\/p>\n

You tell me #Zodiac sign<\/a> and I will tell you how jealous you are, here\u2026 => https:\/\/t.co\/76TgN78jH9 j pic.twitter.com\/7WojIzGQ57<\/a><\/p>\n

\u2013 Your heart Viiiiibra (@Vibra1049) July 13, 2017<\/a><\/p>\n<\/div>\n