{"id":10665,"date":"2022-09-27T07:37:29","date_gmt":"2022-09-27T14:37:29","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.despertarmagia.com\/man-of-the-week-fishbone-braid\/"},"modified":"2022-09-27T07:37:29","modified_gmt":"2022-09-27T14:37:29","slug":"man-of-the-week-fishbone-braid","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.despertarmagia.com\/man-of-the-week-fishbone-braid\/","title":{"rendered":"Man of the Week: Fishbone Braid"},"content":{"rendered":"

The task for Vibra’s \u201cMan of the Week\u201d was quite a challenge for our announcers To\u00f1o and David, to make a fish braid and share their video.<\/p>\n

This is how we communicated exactly what your challenge was going to be:<\/p>\n

#vibraenlasmornings<\/a> The Task \u2013> The #ManoftheWeek<\/a> It must be a boy who is attentive to us, who knows how to help us when we are getting ready and of course, who knows how to do a good braid is key. pic.twitter.com\/l3P08ZKQ0X<\/a><\/p>\n

\u2013 Your heart Viiiiibra (@Vibra1049) February 21, 2019<\/a><\/p>\n

We looked for a tutorial on the Internet to discover the degree of difficulty that our two competitors would have and the truth is that it is difficult to do it, but not impossible!<\/p>\n<\/p>\n

For your video, Tone<\/strong> had as a model frizzy<\/strong> -this is already a degree of difficulty for his hair- however, he fulfilled the task and this was his result.<\/p>\n

who will be the #ManoftheWeek<\/a>? This is proof of @EseTonito<\/a> #vibraenlasmornings<\/a> pic.twitter.com\/IinpzmGcAc<\/a><\/p>\n

\u2013 Your heart Viiiiibra (@Vibra1049) February 21, 2019<\/a><\/p>\n

David<\/strong> had the help of Natalie<\/strong> and after several attempts we realized that his desire was left in attempts, this is his video.<\/p>\n

who will be the #ManoftheWeek<\/a>? This is proof of @soydavidrc<\/a> #vibraenlasmornings<\/a> pic.twitter.com\/3Wm9PeaHAp<\/a><\/p>\n

\u2013 Your heart Viiiiibra (@Vibra1049) February 21, 2019<\/a><\/p>\n

It was definitely an easy task for none, but as in any competition there must always be a winner, this time To\u00f1o won the victory as the man of the week and together with Max they went to the AID Venezuela<\/strong>But that is another story.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n