This is the secret with which Catherine Siachoque has managed to hide the passage of time\u2026 She is already 45 and her skin looks young!<\/p>\n
We can be sure of one thing in this life: if the years go by, it will show! It is inevitable, but you do not have to sell your soul to the devil and ruin your face with excessive injections and surgeries, better follow this advice from Catherine Siachoque and try to delay as much as possible the signs of the passage of time<\/strong> with the help of less invasive treatments.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/p>\n Although the media hype of topical antioxidants seems to have passed, do not underestimate their power to care for the skin and delay the signs of aging. We refer to creams, masks, tonics and other types of products rich in these types of ingredients, they stimulate collagen synthesis, reduce spots and provide luminosity to the skin and regulate natural oxidation preventing skin aging<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\n also vibrates with: <\/span>Tricks with milk for skin and hair<\/p>\n There are many brands of topical products with antioxidants on the market, ask your dermatologist which one is right for you, and share this note<\/strong>!, your friends will love to know the secret of Catherine Siachoque to look young at 47. <\/p>\n This week: Diva Jessurum defends herself: \u00abZero retouches\u00bb https:\/\/\/iZMJVq3imo\/5Y98TccuCG<\/a><\/p>\n \u2013 Your heart Viiiiibra (@Vibra1049) June 3, 2017<\/a><\/p>\n<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\nThe actress, wife of Miguel Varoni, recently published a video in which she shows her anti-aging secret<\/strong>look\u2026<\/h4>\n