Would you spare a few chunks? Look what celebrities decided to do it…

Is it possible to continue in a relationship after a few chunks? These celebrities say yes, and they proved it!

Although the horns can be one of the main causes of breakup in marriages and courtships, they do not always end that way, in fact, sometimes they are forgiven and the couple manages to move on. This can be easy when the infidelity remains in the private circle, but when it is public, it must be very difficult to forgive! However, it happens; the following celebrities are examples of this.

Celebrities who were forgiven chunks

  • Robinson Diaz He made Adriana Arango horny with Sara Corrales, in a famous love triangle in the Creole show business. Initially the marriage ended, however, 5 years later, they returned.
  • Beyoncé forgave her husband’s horns, rapper jay zafter going through couples therapy and exorcising his demons by composing a lot of music.
  • A Juanes they also forgave him chunks. Everyone assumes that he had an affair with actress Jhoanna Bahamón, which he later regretted to continue with his wife and mother of his children, Karen Martínez.

bill clinton it was another one who got a pardon from his wife, former candidate Hillary, after the scandalous affair he had with Monica Lewinsky, back in the 90s, remember?

Apparently david beckham he was also unfaithful to Victoria with an assistant; Not only was the marriage not over, but the former Spice Girl herself stated that the incident had only strengthened her bond.

Tell us, would you forgive a few chunks? Would you allow them to forgive you? Write what you think in the comments of this note.

also vibrates with: ZODIAC: Why do they give you horns if you’re such a good girl?

And share it on your social networks, your friends and family will like to give their opinion, just like you.

#vibraenlasmornings do@Shakira careless and revealed his infidelity? https://t.co/2yGcUJQKFL

– Your heart Viiiiibra (@Vibra1049) August 14, 2018