Would Andrea Valdiri have a new boyfriend? That’s what his followers say

Andrea Valdiri She appeared on social networks with a young man who many of her followers say could be her new boyfriend.

A few days ago, Andrea Valdiri gave birth to her second daughter who was the result of her relationship with the singer Lowe León. However, there were some details of her followers that immediately attracted attention on social networks and of course gave much to talk about.

Who would be the young man who is supposed to be Andrea Valdiri’s new boyfriend?

The first thing the influencer’s followers noticed was that while she was in labor, her ex-partner and father of her daughter was celebrating with her girlfriend who played for the Colombian National Team. However, there was a detail that caught the attention of her fans even more and that was that while she was in the hospital a young man accompanied her until her little Adhara was born.

This is Felipe Samura, a bumangués who has gained great recognition in social networks for being a creator of digital content. Although they have been seen together on different occasions and it seems that they have a very good friendship, Andrea’s followers began to suspect that it is a sentimental relationship. In addition, the influencer published on her Instagram account a photograph of her with the young man and her daughter, where she assured «I love you so much Felipe»which generated all kinds of comments.

And you, Do you think Andrea Valdiri has a new boyfriend or is it just a beautiful friendship? Leave us your comments in this note and share on all your social networks.