Worst Christmas gifts for kids, did you get any?

Getting something we don’t want when we grow up is horrible, but when we were little it was a tragedy to be given one of the worst Christmas gifts for children.

Top 10 of the worst Christmas gifts for children

Though the worst thing we could find under the little tree during our childhood was clothesthere are also some toys that should never have existed, much less given away for Christmas Eve.

10. Teddy bear with a ball in his mouth

The fun is supposed to start when you squeeze its belly and the ball shoots out, but… it looks like something out of 50 Shades of Grey.

9. Barbie exotic dancer

This one doesn’t have much face to be genuine Barbie, but the doll exists. There is no right!

8. Doll with hair to shave

So that we girls would get used to what we would have to do for life. Could it be that the manufacturers of this toy were born furry?

7. Plasticine in the form of poop

With mold and everything, so that we could play pranks on our disgusting aunts. It wasn’t such a bad gift, now that we think about it, but yuck.

6. Pregnant baby

A toy baby pregnant with another toy baby. The phenomenon is real, it is called fetus in fetusbut it is not a topic for children.

5. Roadkill stuffed animals

This actually existed. Surely the manufacturers thought it would be a good idea to ruin Christmas.

4. Toy dog ​​pooping

It is a miniature Labrador whose tail you only lower to obtain smelly buns that you must collect.

3. Dolls with exposed intestines

What better way to teach us basic anatomy? Seriously, what were they thinking?

2. A Hitler toy?

This needs no explanation, nor is it justified.

1. ET’s finger

ET is very ugly. The good news is that you did not receive the complete toy but only his long and luminous finger.

So that you don’t have to go through this bad childhood experience again, go to My Gifts Vibrates and ask for what you really want.

With information from: In Feminine