Wooden dog crate comparison & recommendations

A own empire for the four-legged friend

A dog crate takes you not just on the go further: It can also serve a good and important purpose at home. Dogs are very social animals that like to be close to their human family – but that also has its limits, occasionally the four-legged friends just need to switch off.

It is ideal if you have one for these breaks Retreat have that belongs only to them. A sufficiently large box serves this purpose excellently and can also be used to secure the animal in individual cases.

Wood as permanent solution

When it comes to one permanent refuge Looking for a permanent place, wood is a beautiful material:

  • On the one hand, it looks good and provides a rustic, yet cozy look, which suits many interiors.
  • On the other hand, the material is also comparative robust and durable.

Most dog boxes are still made of plastic or metal. But there are more and more animal lovers who prefer a natural look.

Models for In- & Outdoors

Wooden boxes are available for both indoor and outdoor use. This means it is also possible to give the dog one flexible resting place to give: In summer the “house” is on the terrace, for example; as soon as it gets colder, it can then go into the warm living room, for example.

Furthermore, it is of course also possible two different models to buy – one for indoor use and another for outdoor use.

Why Does the dog like to withdraw?

If your four-legged friends hide a little, there is usually no reason to worry: Dogs have a great need for rest which they can hardly do justice to with too much hustle and bustle.

A short-term retreat also serves the purpose natural anti-stress management.

Four-legged friends have one increased need for rest

Unfortunately, many people underestimate it need for sleep, that our four-legged friends have: Unfortunately, the animals can't cope with six or eight hours like us. Although dogs have a night's sleep that is very similar to ours, they also need significantly more breaks.

Overall, even animals that sleep very little have a need for rest of about 12 to 14 hours a day. However, dogs need even more periods of sleep much more often – so there is also a need for 20 hours as absolutely normal.

But we don't always notice this because… Dogs are very sophisticated power nappers: They often only doze off for a few seconds – as soon as they get the feeling that they are needed, they are back up again in no time.

Risks & Symptoms of Lack of sleep

However, if dogs are constantly woken up, it is very difficult for them to get the sleep they need. In the long run, this can have pretty bad consequences, because sufficient rest periods are necessary Brain the four-legged friend is extremely important.

If the dog suffers from sleep deprivation, for example, it will increase “Stress hormones” released like adrenaline. “Happiness hormones” such as serotonin, however, do not reach the brain area in sufficient quantities, and this often has negative effects on the animal's behavior. Lack of sleep can, among other things, cause…

  • Hyperactive behavior
  • Nervousness, restlessness and fear
  • Difficulty concentrating and even
  • aggressiveness

to be responsible.

Furthermore, too little sleep also weakens this in the long run Immune system, The four-legged friends are then more susceptible to illnesses, and infections and inflammations in particular occur more frequently.

Stress relief by hiding

Also against stress A dog crate can help. When everything becomes too much for the four-legged friends, they like to seek protection in it:

  • The roof and side walls give you the feeling recovered Being snuggled up close reminds them of their cuddly pack. In the wild, dogs would also seek out covered places or caves if they were in danger.
  • The wooden walls also offer a good sound insulation, which pays off for the four-legged friends, especially on noisy days such as celebrations or New Year's Eve.

Many dogs, for example, hide under the bed or under the sofa if they have no other opportunity to retreat. This provides them with an improvised “roof,” but also makes cleaning more difficult for you.