Wonder Woman’s armpits cause controversy

Whether it’s Wonder Woman or whoever, the networks devour whoever crosses it and not even she is spared criticism and negative comments. But why all the fuss over armpits? After the premiere of the first film, in 2017, the production was the target of all kinds of criticism, starting with the mishandling of fiction throughout the plot, the script and even the feminist community spoke about it. The issue lies in the armpits of actress Gal Gadot, who by giving life to wonder-womanwore a perfect shave.

Having been raised on an island, along with the Amazons, the probability that wonder-woman was aware of contemporary aesthetic details, it is almost minimal. Social networks exploded, unleashing a controversy that, in turn, questioned the strong stereotypes of beauty, since a woman should not shave to reaffirm her value. She vibrates also with:

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On the other hand, it was commented that the character continues to be a product of our social and cultural reality, since the canons of beauty are those of today’s society and should not be taken out of context. In addition, the memes and the media were in charge of prolonging the discussion, making the subject an object of cultural analysis. “I have seen absurd controversies among the fandom. The non-hairy armpit thing wonder-woman it is difficult to overcome.” @InSitgesWeTrust “The controversy of the day: wonder-woman comes out with shaved armpits. Yes, that’s right, we have to start banning people from using the Internet XD.” pic.twitter.com/huyf1Qgorb

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