Scarves, t -shirts, flags or any purple badge They have become a feminist emblem worldwide. However, it is more seen during The commemoration of Women's Day throughout the planet.
But why was this color chosen to represent the struggle of women for equality? Although there are several explanations, the story goes back to the feminist struggle of the twentieth century. As well as a tragedy in which Hundreds of women, mainly immigrants, were victims.
There is still much to do with respect to the feminist movement.VO News / Unspash
A little history
The origin of purple color as a symbol of the feminist struggledates back to the terrible fire in the Triangle Shirtwaist factory in New York on March 25, 1911. In this fabrics and garments were made in large quantities.
Some newly emigrated workers from Eastern and Italy, and other women of limited resources who worked there, faced the ill -treatment of the owners, especially that night when they were locked to continue with the arduous and slave hours of labor. However, that was not the only problem, since The factory caught fire and thanks to the fact that they were locked, they could not flee from the flames.
The result was 146 dead and 70 wounds, although there were men, women predominated in number. It is said that the smoke caused by The fire was purple – One very strong and strident – due to the fabrics of the fabrics that were used in this factory. However, in 1908 the English votes already used purple color as a synonym for struggle.
According to activist Emmeline Pethick, This color symbolized the blood of each fighter for the right to votehis conscience of freedom and dignity. Similarly, other colors were used, such as The white that symbolized honesty in private life and political life; as well as The green That was the representation of hope in a new beginning.