Life has different charms and various stages. When you are very young, you are susceptible to the advice and words of others. Pay close attention to matters that are perhaps unimportant. But starting another cycle of life, sometimes, is not so easy to face.

Many women are terrified of reaching 40 years. They feel like it’s the end of the world. Reaching 40 is not chosen. You choose to be happy and decisive at that stage. It is only a consolidation phase, where the personality is much more straight and consistent. Many women feel wonderful and fulfilled when they turn forty. They feel secure in their dreams.

The works carried out by doctors specialized in the field of sexology, by psychologists, and even by writers, affirm that it is a time of life where there are possibilities and the right to enjoy a better quality of sexual life.

From Masters and Johnson, and Helen Kaplan, specialists in sexology, they have fought for female sexual vindication, not in a framework of war of the sexes or iron feminism, but from the clinic and the experience of each day in their sexology studies.

It should be noted that women enjoy their best sexual moment at 40 years of age. Medical studies carried out show how the sexual, social or labor decline of women comes many years later; and her twilight is a function of her personal imagination, her active sexual relationships, and the communication she has with her partner. It is now, at 40, when women are committed to taking much better care of themselves, by exercising, and eating a healthy diet. The main thing to reach this age with a good physique is to learn to love yourself and accept yourself as you are.

«Upon turning 40, women feel that they are stepping strong, transmitting self-confidence, and generally have achieved significant emotional and personal stability,» confirms Olga Córdoba, psychiatrist, psychotherapist and professor of the Masters in Family Therapy at the Pontifical University. of Comillas. «I look younger than ever, and much more energetic,» Gwyneth Paltrow has confessed. “Getting older is one of the best things in life,” Cameron Diaz revealed on his 40th birthday, adding, “I know more things than I’ve ever known. I am grateful, really. I know myself better. I consider myself more capable than ever. I feel better now at 40 than at 25.”

The journalist and writer Marta Robles said: “Before, a woman over 40 was as if she disappeared from the map. She ceased to exist. In addition, the term forty was used in a derogatory way. Today, the resurgence of a woman occurs after four decades. You can do anything!”

Seek spiritual and bodily harmony! Don’t miss the years that have gone, on the contrary, be thankful for the experience they have left behind! Start a full life!