Wire-haired dachshund in breed portrait (with pictures & information)

The wire-haired dachshund is a charming one Hunter on short legs.

Whether under the name Dachshund, Teckel or Dachshundthe small dog breed is very popular in Germany.

Do you want a wire-haired dachshund to move in with you soon? Then you can in this portrait already find out about the lively short-legged friends.

Wire-haired dachshund wanted poster

Size Male: 27 to 47 cm, female: 25 to 45 cmWeightMale: 3 to 12 kg, female: 3 to 12 kgColorsBoar, brown-boar, black-red, brown with tanLife expectancy12 to 15 yearsOriginGermany character/temperamentintelligent, loyal, courageous, determined, stubbornFCI groupGroup 4: Dachshund with working test


Like all dachshund types, the wire-haired dachshund is a small dog. The short legs and long back make this breed unmistakable.

Unlike other breeds, the dachshund is not measured by the height at the withers, but by the chest circumference.

So has he male dachshund a chest circumference of 37 to 47 cm, bitches over 35 to 45 cm.

At the miniature dachshund the sizes for males are over 32 cm to 37 cm and for bitches over 30 cm to 35 cm.

The small rabbit dachshund has a chest circumference of 27 cm to 32 cm for males and 25 cm to 30 cm for females.

The name of the wire-haired dachshund already gives it away: its fur is rough and bristly. The longer beard he wears is striking. He also has bushy eyebrows.

Be fur is bred in the colors sow and brown-sow, black-red and brown with brand. Spotted color patterns (merle) are also permitted.

have dachshunds high set earsthat hang down long. You can reach the dog’s lips.

History & origin of the wire-haired dachshund

Dachshunds have been since middle Ages known.

In Germany, smaller dogs were repeatedly bred from the Bracken hunting dogs, which were particularly suitable for the hunt underground were suitable.

These short-legged dogs eventually became the Dachshund.

This breed is considered extreme for hunting versatile.

So he also shows very good performances above ground, because he is suitable for that track-loud huntsbrowsing and the sweat track.

Nature and character of the wire-haired dachshund

Dachshunds are by nature friendly and curious dogs. They are also considered intelligent.

They were bred to be on their own in the Hunt for badgers, foxes or rabbits. The solo hunter is still very fearless today.

Dachshunds have one calm temper and are neither aggressive nor nervous – including the wire-haired dachshund.

However, dachshunds don’t need to be bored, because they are passionate hunters and also very persistent and agile.

If you offer your dachshund enough exercise and variety, you will get a well-balanced companion.

attitude & upbringing

Unlike other hunting dog breeds, the dachshund needs not necessarily a hunting activity.

Even far away from rabbit and fox burrows, he leads a contented existence as a family dog. However, he places some conditions on this.

The dachshund loves long walks and mental work.

A underutilized dachshund can cause problems due to undesirable behavior.

In addition, it is not wrongly said that the dachshund a big dog in a small body may be. Because the dachshund can be very headstrong and daring.

His great courage and his tendency, sometimes idiosyncratic decisions to meet, remember quickly hubris.

Good and consistent training is very important for this breed. Because this is where great self-confidence, hunting instincts, intelligence and playfulness come together.

Due to their willingness to bark, the dachshund temperament, these small dogs are also very suitable «alarm systems».

Health & Care

True, the dachshund is considered one healthy, vital and long-lived dog breed, but there are also some diseases that are more common in this dog.

This includes, for example, dachshund paralysis.

This is one disc prolapsewhich is favored by the inappropriate ratio of back length to leg length.

The particularly pronounced brevity is mutation of the cartilage induced, leading to dwarfism.

Rabbit dachshunds in particular are bred very small, which causes further problems.

But also rheumatic diseases, heart diseases and epilepsye can occur.

With a healthy and species-appropriate diet, you can become one long life expectancy of your dachshund. This is between 12 and 15 years.

The dachshund knows how to use its charm. But especially when feeding you should avoid the notorious dachshund look not succumb. Because the dachshund is considered to be very greedy.

overweight causes joint wear and can put additional strain on the intervertebral discs in dachshunds.

In addition, too much weight can inhibit movement and to condition loss to lead.

The wire-haired dachshund is very easy to care for. The coat should be brushed and trimmed occasionally.

Even the ears and teeth should checked regularly become.

Good to know

Breeds that attach great importance to external features are often at the expense of the health of the dogs.

So dachshunds have one very long backwhich causes intervertebral disc and joint problems.

Is the wire-haired dachshund right for me?

The wire-haired dachshund suits you if you like to have an enthusiastic companion long walks have with you.

Since the dachshund does not necessarily have to be used for hunting, it can also move in with people who simply like to be out in nature are.

But you should be his hunting talents don’t underestimate. Therefore you have to train your dachshund well, otherwise he can look for a burrow to hunt himself.

The stubbornness of the dachshund types should also not be underestimated. You should learn to deal with that too.

The dachshund is happy with his people so you shouldn’t leave him alone for very long.

True, the dachshund applies not necessarily as a child fan, but mostly children are tolerated. But his favorite human companions are adults.

If you want to buy a wire-haired dachshund puppy, you should find out more about the litters from reputable breeders inform.

The great joy of barking of this breed should not be underestimated either. Otherwise, problems with the neighbors can quickly arise, especially in an apartment.

Fun facts about wire-haired dachshunds

The fact that the size of the dachshund is not measured, but the chest circumference, has a very practical benefit: for the hunt, the dachshund should be in different sizes animal burrows fit.

With sorting and breeding in different sizes the dog could be better adapted to the hunting target.

So the dachshund comes in three different sizes dachshund, miniature dachshund, rabbit dachshund bred.

But it is also available in three different hair types: Short-haired, rough-haired and long-hairedright

There are nine varieties of the Dachshund.

Has the little stubborn one already taken your heart by storm or do you prefer bigger dogs? Tell us in the comments.