why the blind wear glasses | 👁

The first is that the use of glasses allows the blind not to bother their interlocutors with the vision of their eyes, so they tend to wear dark glasses. . The second, which you probably haven’t planned on, relates to direct eye protection.

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This is BIG news: Envision, a company originating in the Netherlands, has created glasses to help blind and low vision people. With this new technology they seek to offer much more information and data about their environment to people all over the planet: living with blindness is a challenge, but today’s technology can make the planet much more accessible for people with visual impairments.

find your blind spots

Most of the time we do not appreciate the blind spots in our vision because they are not in the central vision, and the brain takes over to fill in the missing areas. It is not fully understood how this filling happens, but it appears to be a combination of information provided by the brain about what is likely to be in the missing area, and the reuse of electrical impulses produced by areas of the retina covering the blind spot.

It tends to be very easy to see our blind spot. To locate it, we must sit about a foot from the screen, close the left eye and fix the other on the point of the image. As you move your head around the screen, the plus sign (+) disappears when you are in your blind spot. The test can be repeated with the left eye seeing the plus sign and waiting for the dot to disappear as we go.

Envision, a company originating in the Netherlands, has created lenses to help blind and low vision people.

Envision: Web Portal | facebook | Twitter | h/t:

A surgeon’s simple trick will prevent your glasses from fogging up when wearing a mask

Filter Genres

Before explaining the lens models on the market, it is necessary to understand what a lens filter is and what kind of filters there are.

Filter is the ability of a lens to approximately omit light. According to the percentage of light that they let through, they are classified into F0, F1, F2, F3 and F4:

How is the blind man’s vision?

While it might seem logical at first, no study to date has shown that people blind from birth pick up on tactile information much faster than people with normal vision.

How to understand if an individual is blind or not?