Why do witches wear black? (What’s so special about it?) –

Black Witch with knowledge of more than 20 years in red magic and domination spells; main editor at MI SPELL POST, EZEQUIELASMODEUS.COM and creator of SPELLS TO DOMINATE ORG. He is willing to help you solve your problems in a simple way through witchcraft.

When we imagine a witch, we often imagine her dressed in black. But why? Is that the only color witches use when they do their magic?

Let’s find out!

Why do witches wear black? The symbolism of color.

Black is the color of darkness, death, evil and mystery, it represents emptiness, chaos and origins. It is counteracted by its opposite, white, a symbol of light, purity and openness.

The dualism of light (white) and darkness (black) was not considered to exist in the primordial world since there was only darkness.

In many religions, before God’s intervention, black represented a constant without variation and without the need for judgment.

Then the colors were created and the contrast between black and everything else was born.

In the symbolic tradition, the idea of ​​darkness does not have a negative meaning, because it corresponds to the primordial chaos from which everything can arise. Instead, it is associated with the invisible and the unknowable, therefore also with the original creative divinity or the initial spark from which everything was created.

Our ancestors personified the dark forces from which they felt threatened by projecting terrifying and evil creatures of darkness and to date not much has changed, since man still behaves like a child scared of what he does not know or understand. The Goddess Hecate, for example, was one of those things that man personified; They say that she traveled the earth on moonless nights, attacking terrified travelers at the forks of the roads. Hecate, illustration by Stéphane Mallarmé, in les Dieux Antiques: nouvelle mythologie illustrée (Paris, 1880).

By creating terrifying deities, our ancestors attempted to combat their fear of the dark by projecting it onto their real environment, creating beliefs and rituals that could ward off these ‘real’ fears. In European fairy tales, the evil being is often depicted dressed in black, as in the case of witches.

Black was the color of the god Saturn. The passage of time was honored in Ancient Rome at Saturnalia, the end-of-year festival that coincided with the death and rebirth of the sun, whose rite expressed the need for the old to die to make room for the new. Saturnalia makes us associate the color black with the understanding that death and rebirth are transitory phases of a broader continuity.

Currently, the color black has taken on a particular meaning in the world of fashion. Black is associated with evening dresses and black-tie events, models wear black to emphasize their silhouette, and actors and comedians wear black to show their status as important figures.

Black also socially indicates the willingness to go against the crowd and not wanting to follow the guidelines dictated by society, to instead walk the path of one’s own will, which often happens in adolescence and that is why Many teenagers dress in black or follow fashion trends. who praise the use of black.

Should I wear black even if I don’t like it and don’t feel comfortable in it?

Absolutely not! You should wear what you like to wear. Magic can be challenging, and when casting spells and performing rituals, you can sometimes question yourself and your own ability; There is no need to worry so much about your clothes.

If you love black and it gives you good vibes, great! If you think black is a claustrophobic color for you, this negativity will affect your magic, so it is definitely best to choose a color that makes you happy and comfortable. Without shame.

It doesn’t mean you’re any less of a witch than witches who wear black. It simply means that to tune into your essence, your soul and your own magic, you need another color! That’s all! Always choose what is right for you.

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What are some other colors I can use to practice my magic?

Here are some traditional meanings of certain colors. You can base your entire outfit on one or more of these colors while performing magic or incorporate the color into a small part of your outfit, such as a piece of jewelry or a scarf. Again, do what makes you feel most comfortable and happy.

  • Yellow: An excellent color for those who practice divination, yellow represents sunlight and radiates spiritual vibrations.
  • Purple: preferred by those who work with pure divine power or who want to deepen their spiritual awareness.
  • Blue: indicated for healers and those who work with their psychic consciousness, or for those who want to harmonize with the energies in an oceanic aspect.
  • Green: strength for those who practice herbal medicine or draw magical energy from nature.
  • Brown: used by those who harmonize with animals and also by empaths.
  • White: symbolizes purification and pure spirituality and is also perfect for meditation and cleansing rituals. It is used in Full Moon celebrations or to harmonize with the Goddesses.
  • Orange or red: these colors are mainly used on Saturdays and are used for rituals of love and passion.

Some witches undress during rituals or on the Sabbath. Is this a real thing?

Ritual nudity, also known as “Skyclad” (sky dress) was a practice typical of ancient witchcraft, only later taken up by other neopagan and similar groups. But not all witches practice ritual nudity, thus the witch’s clothing was born: this garment was made of a color based on her magical work, each day corresponded to one attempt, and each attempt to a garment of the appropriate color, each one with its own vibrational energy.

Witches’ Sabbath. By Luis Ricardo Falero

There is no right or wrong when it comes to choosing the right color for your practice. Follow your instinct and choose what makes you feel confident and comfortable with yourself.

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