Why do we fall out of love? – Online Psychologists

Love is one of the most powerful and transformative feelings we can experience. Since the beginning of time, we have tried to understand and define it, but it remains a mystery that captivates and fascinates us. However, Despite the power of love, sometimes things don't turn out the way we expect, and we find ourselves in the painful process of falling out of love.

That feeling that something has changed and that the passion and excitement we once felt is no longer present. Falling out of love can be a confusing process, and we often wonder why it happened and if there is anything we can do about it.


It is important to stop and understand what we commonly associate with falling in love. It is one of the most intense emotions we can experience as human beings. That feeling of butterflies in the stomach, the heart beating fast and the feeling that everything in the world has a new meaning. When we fall in love, we feel like we are on top of the world and nothing can stop us.

However, as time goes by, that initial intensity can fade and we can find ourselves in the painful process of falling out of love. We could define it as the moment when we lose passion and interest in our partner. This can happen for many different reasons. Sometimes falling out of love is gradual, and sometimes it happens suddenly.

When we fall out of love, we feel emotionally disconnected from our partner, which can lead to miscommunication and conflict. In addition, this can also have physical and emotional effects, such as depression, anxiety and low self-esteem.

Heartbreak in established relationships

Love is one of the most complex and fascinating feelings. Although we now know that love is not reduced only to biological processes, these processes play a fundamental role in the experience of falling in love. For centuries, biological evolution has shaped these processes to favor the reproduction and survival of the species.

For this reason, falling in love is a transitory phenomenon. The behavioral patterns that are activated during this initial phase of the relationship are no longer useful once the relationship has been consolidated. Some of these patterns include paying close attention to the image we give to the other person and the passion with which we approach our sexual life.These behaviors can be exhausting and inefficient in the long run.

However, it is important to recognize that these patterns are part of our evolutionary nature and that their ultimate purpose is reproduction, not happiness.Culture and society may shape how we experience love and partnership, but our underlying biology remains the same.

Online therapy to overcome heartbreak

Understanding the phenomenon of falling out of love is essential to maintaining healthy, long-lasting relationships. As relationships evolve, it is natural for the initial passion and infatuation to fade. Despite what it may seem, it is important to understand that falling out of love is not necessarily a sign that the relationship is over.can be overcome as a couple as long as the reasons behind it are understood and the necessary measures can be taken to overcome it.

If you feel that you have fallen out of love with your partner but you want to find a solution, at we offer couples therapy to overcome this problem. We have been working online therapy for more than 10 years and we are experts in helping couples overcome their problems. We have a team of 12 expert psychologists who can help you in this new stage you are in.

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Factors that influence heartbreak

The chemistry of love

Falling in love is an emotional state that triggers a series of chemicals in our brain that make us feel euphoric and excited. Some of these substances are dopamine, norepinephrine and phenylethylamine, which are released in high quantities during the early stages of falling in love. Dopamine, in particular, plays a fundamental role in the experience of falling in love, as it activates the reward centers of the brain, generating pleasurable sensations.

These chemicals influence our behavior in many ways. During the infatuation phase, we tend to idealize our partner, pay a lot of attention to them, and want to be around them all the time. This is partly due to the release of these chemicals. However, they can also influence our behavior in negative ways, such as when we become blinded to our partner's imperfections or jealous or possessive. It is important to note that these chemicals are only one part of the experience of love, and that other factors are equally important in maintaining a healthy and long-lasting relationship.

The importance of novelty

At the beginning of a relationship, everything seems new and exciting. We discover unknown aspects of our partner and ourselves, we explore new experiences and live intense emotions that make us feel alive. This is partly due to the novelty of the situation, which triggers a series of chemicals in our brains that make us feel euphoric and excited.

As the relationship progresses, the novelty fades and monotony and boredom may set in. At this point, it is important to remember that novelty is not the only source of excitement and satisfaction in a relationship. Sometimes, falling out of love can be a sign that the time has come to make changes and look for new ways to connect with our partner.

The role of routine

Routine is a factor that can have a negative effect. When we find ourselves trapped, everything seems predictable and monotonous, and the excitement and enthusiasm that made us fall in love in the first place can be missing. Lack of surprise and novelty can make us feel bored and disconnected from our partner, which in turn can lead to falling out of love.

It is important to remember that routine is not necessarily bad, but it can be bad when it becomes a prison that prevents us from experiencing new things and discovering unknown aspects of our partner and ourselves. To avoid this in our relationship, it is important to be willing to explore new activities, to surprise our partner and to be surprised by them. Routine doesn't have to be an obstacle to love, if we are able to find creative and exciting ways to break with it.

The influence of expectations

Our expectations in a relationship can have a huge impact on our ability to feel love and connection with our partner. Often when we enter a relationship, we have expectations about what our partner should be like and how they should behave. If these expectations are not met, we may feel disenchantment and disappointment, and this can contribute to falling out of love.

Some of our expectations may be unrealistic or inflexible, and it's important to be willing to review and adapt them as our relationship evolves.At the same time, it is important that our partner is able to understand our expectations and work together to meet them as much as possible. If we are able to maintain open and honest communication about our expectations, we can prevent them from becoming a source of disappointment and strengthen our relationship.

Individual differences

It is important to keep in mind that each individual is unique and has different needs and preferences. Even if two people love each other deeply, they may have different expectations or needs that do not match. These differences can arise at any time in the relationship, and if not managed properly, they can cause problems and conflict in the couple.

It is essential that each member of the relationship expresses their needs and desires clearly and respectfully. If both can come to an agreement and respect each other's needs, the relationship can grow and become stronger. However, if these differences are not addressed properly, they can be a source of disenchantment and conflict, which can lead to the dissolution of the relationship.

Emotional wounds and wear and tear

Previous emotional wounds can have a huge impact on our current relationships. Sometimes past traumatic experiences can make us more cautious about falling in love and trusting another person. Emotional wounds can cause a wide variety of feelings and emotions, such as fear, insecurity, and mistrust. and if not addressed properly, can affect the way we relate to others.

Furthermore, emotional exhaustion can also be a contributing factor to falling out of love. Frequent arguments, lack of communication, and constant disagreement can drain our energy and passion for the relationship. If not addressed properly, these issues can lead to frustration and emotional disconnection. It is important for couples to work together to identify and address problems in the relationship before they become insurmountable problems.

Lack of emotional connection

When we don't feel emotionally connected to our partner, we can feel lonely and helpless, even when we're together. Lack of communication, emotional distance, and lack of understanding can make the relationship feel empty and meaningless. Sometimes it may feel like there is no way to reconnect, but there is always hope if both parties are willing to work together to improve.

It is important to remember that emotional connection is not always easy, and It requires effort and dedication from both partiesTaking the time to listen, understand, and support our partner can make a huge difference in the quality of our relationship. Sometimes, all it takes is a small gesture of love and attention to rekindle the spark of emotional connection.


The complexity of love and relationships is undeniable. Falling in love can be one of the most exciting experiences we live, but it is also a complex process that can lead to great difficulties. Falling out of love is a natural stage that can occur at any time in a relationship, but it doesn't have to be the end. We must remember that each person is unique, with their own needs and expectations, and it is important to communicate and work together to find harmony in the relationship.

The key is to be willing to evolve and work on our own self-awareness as well as connection…