Why do people fall in love? (Although not one)

Seeing so many happy couples, one wonders why do people fall in love? What is behind the butterflies in the stomach?

To be in love is… to confuse day with night… Among other things, but beyond that delicious sensation that one feels in the body when one really loves, what is there?

Why does one fall in love with one person and not with another despite living the same experiences or sharing the same quality and quantity of time? Science has answers.

Why do people fall in love?

Falling in love is so inevitable that it is compared to receiving an arrow in the heart; Did you think Cupid was just a myth? No, it is a metaphor of what happens in our body.

Scientists who have studied the biology behind falling in love have found some unsuspected reasons for this phenomenon to occur between two persons.

The smell

Forget perfume and cologne, here we mean the unique body odor of each human beingthe famous pheromones, to which both men and women react unconsciously.

body mass index

Apparently, men find women with a BMI of 18 to 20 to be the most attractive, as it indicates good health and fertility. Women prefer men with a body fat of around 12%, as higher body fat is associated with heart disease, diabetes and reduced fertility. Eye, all this happens at an unconscious level.


Although they say that opposites attract, various investigations have found that we fall in love with people with whom we have in common tastes, values, projects and way of seeing life.

In addition, also we find more physically attractive those who are familiar to usthat is, they resemble people we trust.

‘Cause they stared into each other’s eyes

According to research from the University of Massachusetts, prolonged visual connection can accelerate falling in lovebecause staring triggers a whole series of emotions towards who we look at.

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With information from: Mount Elizabeth