Why do men have nipples?


Because every mammal, whether male or female, has glands specialized in producing milk. In most species, evolution made these glands concentrate in the nipples, allowing the liquid to come out only when the puppy sucks on the breast. In the process of development of the human fetus, nipples appear independently of the specific characteristics of males and females. The difference is that men will not have the hormones that make the milk glands work, while in women they begin to be manufactured hours after childbirth. The main hormones are prolactin, which stimulates milk production, and cytosine, which allows the output of liquid. It sounds weird, but in some situations men are also capable of giving milk! “This is more common in adolescence when hormones are not balanced.

Even so, any man who receives suction on the nipples can produce the liquid, as this stimulus triggers the production of prolactin and cytosine”, says mastologist (breast specialist) Simone Elias, from the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp). But the normal thing is that among humans and other mammals breastfeeding is a task for females only. The way this occurs is that it can vary. In platypuses, one of the few mammals without nipples, the milk oozes from the hairs on the animal’s belly. me