Why do I want to change my life? – Online Psychologists

Wanting to change your life is a thought that has occurred to all of us at some point. Moments of uncertainty in which we do not know what is happening in our life or a sudden event that makes us want to disappear and disconnect from everyone, but why does this desire really appear?

Why does this desire appear?

There are many reasons why someone might feel the desire to change their life. Some of the most common reasons include:

  1. Dissatisfaction with the current situation. If someone feels that their current life is not living up to their expectations or if they are not satisfied with their life, they may want a change to improve their situation.
  2. Need for personal growth. Sometimes people may feel that they have reached their full potential in their current situation and desire new challenges and opportunities to grow and develop personally.
  3. Mental health problems. Mental health issues such as anxiety, depression and chronic stress can make someone feel the need to make significant changes in their life to improve their emotional well-being.
  4. Changes in life circumstances. Unexpected life changes, such as the loss of a job, relationship, or loved one, can make someone feel the need to reevaluate their life and make significant changes.
  5. Developing new interests and hobbiesSometimes people may develop new interests or hobbies that are not compatible with their current life and may feel the need to make changes to accommodate their new passion.

It can be motivated by a variety of factors, and each person will have unique reasons for wanting to make significant changes in their life.

Coaching as an alternative

Coaching is a supportive and guiding process in which one person (the coach) works with another person (the client) to help them achieve their goals and objectives. The coach helps the client identify what they really want in life, develop an action plan to achieve it, and overcome any obstacles that may arise along the way.

It is based on a relationship of trust and mutual respect between the coach and the client. The coach does not tell the client what to do, but helps him discover his own answers and solutions. He asks interesting questions that help the client think differently and see things from a new perspective.

If you are thinking about changing your life, this can help you:

  1. Identify what they really want. Many times, people know they want to make a change in their lives, but they aren't sure exactly what it is they want or how to go about achieving it. This can help people identify their true wants and needs.
  2. Develop an action plan. Once people have identified what they want, a coach can help them develop a realistic and achievable action plan to achieve their goals.
  3. Overcoming obstacles Change is never easy, and there are often obstacles that need to be overcome. A coach can help people identify and overcome obstacles that may arise during the change process.
  4. Keeping focus. As people work towards their goals, they may lose focus or become distracted. This will help people stay focused on their goal and motivated to keep going.
  5. Measure progress. It will help them measure their progress and celebrate achievements as they move toward their goals.

Tips to get started with the change

If you are sure that you want to change your life and you don't know where to start, we have some tips that may help you.

  1. Clearly define your goals and objectives. Take time to think about what you really want to achieve and make sure your goals are realistic and achievable.
  2. Make an action plan. Develop a detailed plan of the steps you need to take to achieve your goals and objectives. Make sure the plan is realistic and includes specific timelines for each step.
  3. Identify and overcome obstacles. Make a list of potential obstacles that may arise along the way and look for ways to overcome them. Be proactive and look for solutions before obstacles become bigger problems.
  4. Surround yourself with supportive people. Find people in your life who will support you in your life change. This can be friends, family, mentors, or a life coach.
  5. Be patient and persevering. Significant life changes can take time and effort. Keep a positive attitude and persevere despite the difficulties.
  6. Take care of your physical and emotional well-being. Life change can be stressful, so make sure you take care of your physical and emotional well-being. Get enough sleep, exercise regularly, eat healthy, and find ways to reduce stress.
  7. Celebrate your achievements. As you move forward with your life change, celebrate your accomplishments and acknowledge the progress you've made. Stay positive and celebrate every small victory along the way.
  8. Go to therapy. Remote therapy can help you in this process of life change. The psychologist will offer you techniques and tools to carry out.

Why choose

  1. We have been leaders in online psychological care since 2012.
  2. First informational appointment free.
  3. Online therapy from 40 euros per session.
  4. Team of senior psychologists, with decades of experience.
  5. All the therapy we offer is via videoconference. 100% confidential.
  6. The same psychologist will attend to you throughout the treatment.
  7. At you do not lose the money for the sessions. If you cannot connect or are not there, the session is postponed to another day.
  8. Attention in Spanish, English and Catalan.