Why do dogs have whiskers? Studies [2024] –

Whiskers are coarser and thicker than normal hair and have roots 3x deeper. Dogs have hair above their eyes, on their chin and above their upper lip. But why?

Whiskers transmit information to sensory cells and support perception. This allows dogs to communicate feelings such as fear or joy. In addition, they have a protective function by supporting the animals' vision and feeling.

Fun fact: Whiskers have nothing to do with purring. The word comes from “Schnurre” which means “snout”. Actually, whiskers should be called “snout hairs”.

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What are whiskers?

Dogs are born with whiskers. These hairs are also called tactile hairs or vibrissae and are coarser and thicker than normal hair. They also have roots that are three times deeper.

Unlike normal hair, whiskers do not cover the entire body. They are just above the Eyes, on the chin and above the upper lip.

In addition, they are sensitive and comparable to a human's fingertips. While humans' sense of touch lies in their fingers, a dog «touches» the world with its face. [1]

Whiskers are coarser and thicker than normal hair and have roots 3x deeper. They are located above the dog's eyes, on the chin and above the upper lip.

What function do whiskers fulfill?

Whiskers aid dogs' perception. For example, they help with seeing and feeling – similar to the feelers of insects.

However, the hair cannot feel itself, but simply transmit information to sensory cellswhen they detect objects or movements.

When an object or breeze brushes the whiskers, the delicate hair vibrates and stimulates the nerves in the hair follicle.

This also explains its scientific name “vibrio”. This comes from Latin and means “to vibrate”. [2]

A breath of air or touching an object causes the whiskers to vibrate. This in turn transmits information to sensory cells.

Whiskers communicate emotions

When a dog rests, the whiskers also take a break. But when a dog is active, so are they!

A happy or curious dog raises his whiskers above his eyes to show interest.

Even if a dog feels threatened, the hair is used. So he wrinkles his nose so that his whiskers stand high up.

For example, while rats, mice, hamsters and porcupines can consciously move these hairs back and forth, dogs and cats cannot. [3]

Whiskers show the dog's emotional state. When a dog is curious, the hair above the eyes is raised. If he feels threatened, hair sticks out from his nose.

Whiskers protect the dog

The sensitive hair reacts to the smallest particles. So Dogs already blink or shake their headswhen a tiny speck of dust touches the whiskers.

This reaction protects the eye, which can be injured by even tiny dust particles.

The whiskers are also used when walking dogs. They signal to dogs whether there is a risk of injury in the bushes, for example from a thorny branch.

Additionally, dogs with this hair can feel whether they can fit through a passageway without getting stuck. [4]

Whiskers are highly sensitive and alert the dog to even the smallest specks of dust. This signals the dog to blink or shake his head.

Whiskers need protection

Almost 40% of the sensory area of ​​the dog's brain is focused on areas with whiskers. So the dog counts on this hair to get by in everyday life!

To protect the dog's highly sensitive hair, it is recommended to only gently stroke the hair along the direction of the fur.

Pulling or even plucking these hairs is extremely painful for dogs and “beard trimming” should be avoided as this can severely impair his cognitive ability. [5]

Whiskers are sensitive to pain. Pulling or even picking at them should be avoided at all costs.

Accidentally clipped your whiskers?

Important: Whiskers should never be cut or plucked!

If this happened anyway, or the dog groomer made a mistake – don't worry! Because the hair grows back – but at different speeds depending on age and race.

Most owners and breeders who accidentally remove whiskers do not notice any changes in behavior.

However, scientifically speaking, removing these hairs results in loss of orientation and weakened ability to navigate, especially in low-light situations.

We therefore recommend just waiting and making sure that this does not happen again in the future.

Whiskers grow back. During this time, special attention should be paid to the dog, as removing whiskers can lead to loss of orientation.


Whiskers are coarser and thicker than normal hair and have roots three times deeper. You are above the Eyes, on the chin and above the upper lip.

The hair supports dogs' perception. For example, they help with seeing and feeling – similar to the feelers of insects.

However, whiskers cannot feel themselves, but simply transmit information to sensory cellswhen they detect objects or movements.

They also communicate emotions. It shows interest and curiosity when a dog raises the hair above its eyes.

Moreover Whiskers also protect dogsby reacting to the smallest dust particles. This helps the dog know when to blink or shake his head.

Almost 40% of the dog's brain is geared towards information from these hairs. To protect the dog's highly sensitive hair, it is recommended Never trim whiskers and only stroke carefully along the direction of the fur.

If the hair has been accidentally shortened or removed, it will grow back. Depending on age and race, this happens at different speeds.

Scientifically speaking, however, removing it leads to Loss of orientation and a weakened ability to navigate. Therefore, it should be ensured that this does not happen again.

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