Why cover the mirrors when sleeping Is it bad to see yourself in the mirror at night?

Why cover the mirrors when sleeping (because it is bad to see yourself in the mirror at night) Normally, people do not care much about the position of a mirror in the room. It is not like this? They place it in the room in front of the bed and that’s it. Then they don’t know the reasons why they suffer from chronic insomnia and they don’t find a remedy to solve it.

It may be that the problem of not sleeping is due to the position of the mirror in the room and here we are going to explain the reasons why covering the mirrors when sleeping to prevent it from reflecting the bed, it is bad to have a mirror next to the bed and why it is It’s bad to see yourself in the mirror at night.


From different beliefs

Why cover the mirrors when sleeping Feng Shui You may have seen your elders cover the mirrors at night. You may wonder why cover the mirrors when sleeping. To answer this question, you have to reconsider the concept of the feng shui.

According to Feng Shui experts, your soul is supposed to leave your body when you sleep. Your body is recharged with good energy and bad energy leaves your body. If you have a wall mirror in front of the bed in your room, it will show your reflection. As a consequence, the bad energy will be frightened and will not be able to leave the body. Therefore, you should cover the mirror and other reflective surfaces at night.


Why cover the mirrors when sleeping Esotericism According to esotericism, it is bad to have a mirror next to the bed and even worse to see oneself in the mirror at night. Here three reasons:

Bring a third party into your relationship and possible separation It is said that a mirror facing the marriage bed favors the interference of a third party in the couple’s relationship and can lead to infidelity. According to esotericism, the reflection of the mirror reduces the energy and luck of those who sleep in bed, and that luck includes romance.

problems with insomnia Esotericism also says that a mirror facing the bed depletes the energy of the person who is there, which can cause insomnia. A mirror that is either in front of or on the sides of the bed, but that reflects you, can interrupt the necessary tranquility in the bedroom to sleep better.

can cause nightmares Another aspect that indicates esotericism is that a mirror that reflects the bed can also bring nightmares. This is due to the fact that when we sleep at night, according to esotericism, our soul leaves the body. When the soul sees its reflection in the mirror, it is startled, which causes bad dreams and nightmares. Others say that when the soul returns to the body, it can confuse the mirror image with that of the real body, thus causing the soul to be stolen.

In the worst cases, mirrors can act as portals to other dimensions and activate spiritual pathways. These paths can be a way for spirits from distant places to visit, not only beings associated with the house. Avoid not only the mirror that reflects the bed but also those that are directly facing the room.


Why cover the mirrors when sleeping Taoism In Taoism, mirrors are said to be portals to another world. In our dream state, we are more likely to enter the other world. Hence you can invite the spirits to your room.

Spirits can be good or bad. If an evil spirit wishes to harm you, it will be easier for them to do so if you are in the dream state. Due to this belief, it is better not to place a mirror in the bedroom.


Why cover the mirrors when sleeping Scientific point of view According to research, if you stare at the mirror in dim light for a long time, your brain begins to decrease the load. It fades and blends less focused features with surrounding stimuli. As a result, you may be scared by your deformed and monstrous face.

Let’s look at some reasons for this:

Human eyes have motion detectors. Our eyeballs are naturally drawn in the direction of movement. If you have a mirror in front of your bed, and you see the reflection of any moving object in the mirror, your eyes will instantly focus on the direction of movement. And this will distract your sleep.

Some people experience a condition known as «sleep drunk.» In this condition, your visual senses are not fully awake right after you wake up. They may be startled by accidentally looking in the mirror right after waking up.

Ordinary household mirrors are not «perfect mirrors». These mirrors show some green reflections that can scare you. It is not a supernatural phenomenon. The reason is the imperfect mirrors that absorb a significant amount of light that falls on them.

Mirrors not only reflect light, but also sound. Most apartments have large mirrors in the bedrooms. If you sleep near the mirror in your closet, you may notice louder sounds than if you sleep anywhere else. If your partner snores and you hear a stronger reflected sound, it can affect your quality of sleep.



Taking into account all the points of view exposed here, we can conclude that there are good reasons to cover the mirrors when sleeping to prevent the bed from reflecting.

If you want to know more about why to cover the mirrors when sleeping and why it is bad to see yourself in the mirror at night, you can ask your question in the comments section.


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