Why burn laurel at home according to Feng Shui?

Burning laurel at home is an ancestral practice which has been adopted by various spiritual traditions, including Feng Shui, due to its powerful energy and purifying properties. This millenary ritual Not only cleans the environment of negative energies, but also attracts prosperityharmony and welfare to households.

Laurel burning is a very important ritual in Feng Shui.Lee Loo The First / Pexels

The meaning of the laurel in Feng Shui

In Feng Shui, each element of nature has a specific energy vibration that influences our environment. The laurel is considered a sacred plant With strong properties of Protection and attraction of positive energies. Its aroma and essence have the ability to raise the vibratory frequency of spaces, balancing energies and generating a more harmonious environment.

Laurel symbolism

The Laurel has been associated with victory, success and wisdom since ancient times. In ancient Greece and Rome, it was used to crown the victors and wise, representing the triumph over difficulties. In Feng Shui, this plant is seen as a Yang energy channel, promoting action, motivation and mental clarity.

Burning laurel can help you concentration.Victoria Bowers / Pexels

Benefits of burning laurel at home

Energy cleaning and protection

One of the main Benefits of burn bay leaves is the purification of the environment. It is believed that its smoke eliminates stagnant or negative energies, creating a lighter and more adequate space for harmony and peace.

Prosperity attraction

The laurel is linked to abundance and wealth. Its use in rituals is common to attract good fortune and economic prosperity. Some people write positive desires or statements in their leaves before burning them, believing that smoke transports their intentions to the universe.

Improvement of mood and stress reduction

Laurel's aroma has relaxing effects and can help reduce anxiety and stress. His smoke acts as a personal aura purifier, dissipating dense emotions and promoting a state of calm and mental clarity.

Creativity and concentration enhancer

Burn laurel can be an excellent ally for those who need an impulse in concentration and creativity. It is ideal for those who work on intellectual or creative projects, since their energy stimulates the mind and dissipates mental blockages.