Why a committed man looks for another woman (and vice versa)

Many people who have been cheated wonder why a woman and/or a committed man looks for another womanif you are happy in your formal relationship.

Though culturally, monogamy has been imposed as a couple model in almost the whole worldthe truth is that at the biological level the human being has been polygamous for a longer time and only now we are beginning to re-accept alternative relationships socially, such as the various types of open relationships.

To clarify this point, we have to turn to science, because love, like almost all aspects of our lives, has a biological basis that predisposes many of our behaviors; The first thing you should know is that infatuation and love are not exactly the same.

According to couple psychology experts, falling in love is associated with desire and idealization; usually occurs during the first months of love, until the beginning of the attachment stagewhen we begin to really love the person with whom we are in love, accepting him as he is, with his virtues and defects.

Why does a committed man look for another woman and vice versa?

And it is that in the difference between love and infatuation We found the key to why men and women who have stable and happy courtships or marriages decide to be unfaithful, beyond a flaw within the relationship itself.

“When you fall in love with a person, there is a great release of dopamine in the brain, it is a once-in-a-lifetime emotion that fills you with happiness. For this reason, some try to repeat the emotion several times, although it is not well seen in various cultures.”

He explained to the portal Sputnik Eduardo Calixto González, professor at the Faculty of Psychology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

This means that many times It is not that we have stopped loving our partner, but that we want to feel the physical emotion of falling in love again.. This would also explain why some people only enjoy love if there are fights and reconciliations, since reconciliation feels like falling in love again.

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