Who is the bride of Quetzalcoatl | 馃憗

Xochiqu茅tzal or Xochiquetzalli (from Nahuatl: Xochiketsalli ‘xochitl, flower; ketsalli, precious or beautiful’), also called Ichpochtli (from Nahuatl: Ichpochtli ‘little’, ‘young’ or ‘little’), in Mexica mythology she is the goddess of beauty, flowers, affection, amorous excitement and the arts.

Xochiqu茅tzal attributes

Several of Xochiqu茅tzal’s attributes and myths were probably borrowed from Mayan religion. The use of her hair in the creation of women, for example, is probably related to the fact that the pictographic representation of Goddess Maya I is a lock of hair.

Most of the Aztec gods and goddesses had a related origin. The ethnic groups of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica were closely similar and their deities followed archetypes that appeared hundreds and hundreds of years ago.

List of 30 Aztec Gods

Thanks to the accentuated polytheism of the Mexicas, now I know of exact sources of information, it is very difficult to understand the total number of gods that this culture had. However, we show a list of 30 of these deities.

  1. Omete贸tl: god of duality.
  2. Mictlantecuhtli: god of disappearance and Lord of Mictl谩n.
  3. Mictecacihuatl: goddess of disappearance, Lady of Mictl谩n and wife of Mictlantecuhtli.
  4. Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl: author deities.
  5. Xipe Totec: god of abundance, affection and wealth.
  6. Quetzalcoatl: god of life and wisdom.
  7. Huitzilopochtli: god of war.
  8. Cipactonal: god of astrology and calendars.
  9. Coatlicue: goddess of fertility.
  10. Tlacotzontli: insurer god of the nocturnal roads.
  11. Ya贸tl or Tezcatlipoca: god of heaven and earth, as well as the source of life.
  12. Yacatecuhtli: god of merchants and passengers.
  13. Centeotl: god of sustenance.
  14. Amimitl: god of fishermen and lakes.
  15. Xochipilli: god of love, beauty, dance and excitement.
  16. Tonatiuh: god of the sun.
  17. Tlaloc: god of rain, earthquakes and lightning.
  18. Ixtlilton: god of medicine and parties
  19. Cinteteo: 4 corn gods.
  20. Meztli: goddess of the moon.
  21. Mixc贸atl: god of storms, war and hunting.
  22. Eh茅catl: god of the wind.
  23. Xiuhtecuhtli: god of fire and heat.
  24. Mayahuel: god of the maguey.
  25. Atlacoya: goddess of drought and despair.
  26. Chantico: goddess of personal goods.
  27. Chicomec贸atl: goddess of vegetation.
  28. Cihuac贸atl: goddess of births and patron saint of doctors and midwives.
  29. Huehuec贸yotl: god of music and patron of sexuality.
  30. Tlazolteotl: goddess of love.

How much does it cost?

The value to stay in this paradise is $4,850 pesos and you must stay at least three nights.


Who is the goddess Xochiquetzal?

‘X贸chitl’, flower; qu茅tzalli, ‘precious’ or ‘beautiful’), also called Ichpochtli (Nahuatl: Ichpochtli, ‘little’, ‘young’ or ‘little’). In Mexican mythology, she is the goddess of beauty, flowers, affection, amorous excitement, and the arts.

Apart from being the mother of the gods and author of humans, Cihuac贸atl is related to the fertility of the earth and this was achieved by a part of the much more essential deities since it gave our ancestors the food that everyone enjoyed and each of the days. days.