Who invented the internet?

Basically, it was the US Department of Defense.The computer network emerged in the late 1960s, during the Cold War, while the North Americans and the Soviet Union were engaged in a fierce technological dispute. The project, conceived by the Advanced Research and Projects Agency (Arpa) and financed by NASA and the Pentagon, aimed to create a network that would be capable of storing data and resisting partial destruction – in case there was, for example, a nuclear attack. After years of research and testing, in 1969, the Arpanet network went live, linking four institutions: University of California (Los Angeles), University of California (Santa Barbara), Stanford Research Institute and University of Utah.

QUESTION Julia Garzuzi, Curitiba, PR


From a simple project to store data to a worldwide connection network

1. The US Department of Defense created a body to develop a sharing network that decentralized information: the ARPANET. The scientist Paul Baran, pioneer in digital communication, joins the group and helps create the web

two. With four universities on the West Coast of the USA linked by the Network Control Protocol (NCP) system,first message, “Are you getting this?” was sent from a terminal at the University of California. Minutes later, the answer, “Yes!”, arrived from the other three locations

3. Researchers Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn develop TCP/IP, a set of rules, standards and technical specifications that allow computers of different brands and sizes to also exchange information over the network. It was the first time the term «Internet» was used

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4. the british scientist Tim Berners-Lee launches “www” – a hypertext system with clickable links that lead to other sites. In 1994, Marc Anderson introduced the first graphical browser: Mosaic. He changed the face of the internet, which until then worked with command lines FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

5.The company AOL (America Online), from 1985, is one of the pioneers of online chats and profiles. But in the 2000s, the social media arrive in force, thanks to the boom in network access. Among the most notable were Fotolog (to publish photos) and the extinct Friendster (the first to be called a “social network”)


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SOURCES Websites History,Internet Society, Computer History Museumand book The History of the Internetby Josepha Sherman

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