If the yellow are beautiful, the white sunflowers will love it even more; These flowers are named summer stars due to their beauty and vitality that they transmit, in addition to having a strong relationship with the sun, which returns them in a type of extremely special plants.
Yellow sunflowers are much more common than whites, however, that does not mean that they should be a zero to the left, quite the opposite, this species has many more powers than you could imagine, in addition to a unique and very lovely beauty.
As soon as you see White sunflowersyou will not be able to resist them.
They are white sunflowers or Italian sunflowers.Benigno Hoyuela / UNSPLASH
White sunflowers and their characteristics
Are White sunflowers o Italian sunflowers and are grown from flower seeds Helianthus Annus; Some of the species are variations of pale yellow, almost white and grow from 5 to 7 feet high, while their flowers will measure approximately 4 inches in diameter.
They are classified as an annual flowering plant with a fairly fast growth, it is abundant and then dies with the first frost.
Sunflowers are one of the easiest plants to grow from fresh flower seeds; They do not take long to germinate, approximately, from 7 to 10 days after planting and need very little care, they are not demanding anything with soil conditions.
White sunflowers, as well as yellow, are a herbaceous plant.FADIME ERBASS / PEXELS
White sunflowers: origin and meaning
The White sunflowersas well as the yellow ones, they are a herbaceous plant, originating in Central and North America, although today they are already grown in very diverse areas.