Whining in dogs | Causes, meaning & tips [2024] –

When dogs whine, it is usually whining. Only in very rare cases is it something positive. If the dog constantly whines and behaves restlessly, this can also indicate existing illnesses and pain.

In young puppies, these sounds are part of everyday communication. Because at this age they like to test their limits and use all kinds of sounds to do so.

In older dogs, however, it is more of a cause for concern. Because in 9 out of 10 cases it is an indication of existing pain or an underlying illness.

Below you will learn about the most common causes as well as simple and pragmatic tips to get rid of unwanted whining.

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In order to be able to identify the trigger, it often helps to take the respective initial situation into account. This can provide information about possible causes.

Situation Most likely causes Whieping at nightFear, dreams, cold, toothache, unmet needs, ear infectionBeeping when strokingSubmissive behavior, fear, stomach pain, dementia, stressReasonable whiningArthritis, poisoning, toothache, ear infection, stomach pain, lack of attentionBeeping while drivingStress, unmet needs, fearBeeping and pantingFear, stress , stomach pain, submissive behavior, trembling and BeepingCold, stress, poisoning, fearBeeping while playingUnsatisfied longings, submissive behaviorBeeping when lonelyLack of attention, fear, excess energy, unsatisfied longingsEvening beepingDementia, excess energy, unsatisfied longingsBeeping while walkingSubmissive behavior, excess energy, lack of attentionBeeping after an operationPain, fear, stress

Below we will take a closer look at the individual causes and their symptoms.

#1 Excess energy

Sufficient mental and physical exercise is one of the basic needs of every dog. If they cannot get rid of their energy, they tend to be hyperactive.

This can manifest itself in very different ways. From chewing on furniture, running around the apartment to constant yelping, barking and whining. [1]

Here the beeping is simply an expression of frustration and boredom. It is most common in active breeds kept in small apartments or large cities.

#2 Stomach pain

Compared to humans, dogs have to deal with digestive problems much more often. This is primarily because they have only been omnivores for a few millennia.

Wolves, their ancestors, are still carnivores. Or to put it another way: dogs' digestive systems are simply far inferior to ours.

Typical symptoms of stomach pain include flatulence, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, restless behavior or the dog even refusing food and treats. [2]

In most cases, food allergies and intolerances are responsible. Especially when dogs get leftover food from people.

#3 Fear

Almost all dogs struggle with separation anxiety at a young age when their master is not there. This is particularly common in sensitive breeds such as lap dogs.

But loud noises, a lack of self-confidence, upcoming storms or inadequate socialization can also cause dogs to be extremely afraid. [3]

In most cases, you can tell if your dog is panting heavily, shaking, avoiding eye contact, tucking his tail, and constantly whining.

#4 Lack of attention

Dogs have a similar need for attention as small children. If you fall short here, then you'll have to put up with constant beeping.

You can usually recognize this cry for attention because your dog maintains eye contact and follows you wherever you go. [4]

Among other things, puppies tend to jump at you or even behave hyperactively. But there are also some dog breeds that instinctively whine very often.

Golden Retrievers, Siberian Huskies, Chihuahuas, Labrador Retrievers, Miniature Schnauzers, Yorkshire Terriers, Miniature Dachshunds and Alaskan Malamutes belong to this category.

#5 Arthritis

Studies have shown that one in 5 dogs over the age of 1 year suffer from arthritis. This is what we are talking about when the dog's joints become chronically inflamed. [5]

You can usually recognize arthritis if your dog suddenly limps, avoids stairs, has swollen joints, groans when standing up and constantly licks his joints.

Here the whining is simply an expression of pain. Arthritis is most common in old dogs and very large breeds. [6]

#6 Ear infection

If your dog has long, hairy floppy ears and goes swimming or bathing regularly, ear infections are relatively common.

The cause is usually because the ears are not dried after contact with water. This promotes the reproduction of bacteria.

Under certain circumstances, the ear infection can also be triggered by allergies, parasites, fungal infections, injuries or viruses.

Affected dogs often scratch their ears, shake their heads constantly, whine loudly, have visible swelling or redness on their ears, and hold their heads to one side. [7]

#7 Cold

Many first-time owners mistakenly assume that dogs' fur is sufficient to provide thermal protection in winter. This is not the case with short-haired or hairless dogs.

The best way to recognize it is that your four-legged friend starts to tremble. This is the body's natural protective mechanism to stimulate blood circulation.

In some cases, cold can also be recognized by the fact that your dog is constantly looking for physical contact, whines when lying down, rarely leaves his warm basket and walks stiffly. [8]

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#8 Dementia

In old age, not only a large proportion of people, but also a large proportion of dogs suffer from dementia. As a result, mental performance increasingly decreases.

Almost 70% of all dogs over 15 years old are said to be affected. According to studies, around one in three dogs over the age of 11 are said to suffer from dementia.

The best way to recognize this illness is if your dog behaves increasingly confused and disoriented. Restless walking around is also typical here.

Here the whining is simply an expression of the accompanying fear. Because when everything suddenly seems strange and unfamiliar, it often triggers panic. [9]

#9 Stress

In addition to fear, severe stress is also possible. Both lead to the release of stress hormones, which causes the dog to become restless and squeal more often.

You can usually tell if the dog is panting, is very thirsty, avoids eye contact, frequently licks its mouth or even hides. [10]

Typical triggers include jealousy, existing trauma, violence in upbringing, loud noises, the presence of strangers and activities that the dog doesn't like.

#10 Toothache

If dogs suffer from toothache, you usually only find out when it is relatively late. They inherited this behavior from wolves.

A wolf living in the wild cannot afford to appear weakened to the outside world. Otherwise it becomes prey for other predators.

In addition to a beeping sound, there are usually other symptoms. Affected dogs often react sensitively when you touch their snouts and drool profusely. [11]

In addition, they often chew on one side, refuse food and have reddened gums. Possible causes here include tooth holes, inflammation and excessive tartar.

#11 Dreams

Although dogs have significantly shorter sleep cycles than humans, they go through the same sleep phases. And that means that they also have dreams.

During REM sleep, it often happens that the dog suddenly twitches, starts barking, the eyelids move or even starts to whine. [12]

By the way, this doesn't necessarily mean that your dog is having a nightmare. Dogs primarily process both their experiences and their unsatisfied longings while they sleep.

#12 Unmet needs

Whining can also just be an expression that your dog is missing something. Have you perhaps forgotten the food or refilling the water?

Your dog may simply be one of those breeds that naturally have a very small bladder. Then it could be an indication of a strong urge to defecate.

If your four-legged friend is not neutered, then there may also be a strong sexual urge behind it. This is particularly common in female dogs during their period. [13]

What is striking here is that the dog generally behaves very restlessly, seeks eye contact while whining and does not stop until the need is satisfied.

#13 Submissive behavior

Some dogs have such low self-confidence, either genetically or through upbringing, that they behave very submissively towards people.

Here the whining is a sign that the dog recognizes you as alpha or superior. This is most common in young dogs and small breeds.

And the four-legged friends also inherited this behavior from their ancestors. Because if wolves in a pack do not submit to their leader, they are usually attacked. [14]

#14 Poisoning

Many common foods are toxic to dogs and can cause serious poisoning. These include, for example, grapes, avocados, raisins and walnuts.

But onions, chocolate, garlic, macadamia nuts and hops are also poisonous for four-legged friends. Just like when your dog swallows your medication or alcohol.

Typical symptoms of poisoning are sudden vomiting, restless walking, breathing problems, diarrhea, trembling, constant whining and suddenly falling over. [15]

Many first-time owners also accidentally poison their dogs, for example by using a floor cleaner that is toxic to dogs or by using insecticides.

#15 Pain

But a variety of other injuries and illnesses can also cause dogs to complain loudly about them. Other symptoms usually appear here.

Typical examples include a tucked tail, physical restlessness, loss of appetite, lack of motivation, constant whining and excessive sleeping. [16]

On the one hand, injuries caused by splinters or car accidents can be responsible for this. On the other hand, organ weaknesses or even organ failure can also be a possible cause.


Even if many dog ​​owners claim otherwise: dogs never whine for no reason. It is therefore important to first identify the possible causes.

Afterwards, the following applies…