Which food has the fewest calories?


Among the liquids, the least caloric is water, with 0 kcal (kilocalorie), and, among solids, the title is cucumber, with 10 kcal every 100 grams. But, thinking about the amount of each food that we usually devour, we have to relativize the caloric values. You can even eat 100 grams of cucumber, but 100 grams of lettuce is enough for your whole family. This explains why models love to eat lettuce: a leaf has a measly 0.96 kcal and a full dessert plate has 6 kcal. The same happens with watercress, radish and some other types of greens, vegetables and fruits, whose composition is very similar. “We call foods of low caloric density those that contain a lot of liquid inside. In addition, in natura (non-processed) foods tend to be less caloric”, says nutritionist Daniela Silveira, from Unifesp. Light soft drinks are an exception among industrialized products: just like water, some of them have 0 kcal. But to reach that caloric value, these drinks take an exorbitant amount of sweeteners and no nutrients. “Depending on the light soda brand, one can already exceeds the amount of sweetener allowed for children and three cans is the limit for teenagers”, warns Daniela Silveira.

Spa Favorites
No food has fewer calories than these

FOODS* – Cucumber

KCAL – 10

FOODS* – Lettuce

KCAL – 11

FOODS* – Squash pumpkin

KCAL – 12

FOODS* – Watercress

KCAL – 12

FOODS* – Radish

KCAL – 14

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FOOD* – Chuchu

KCAL – 17

LIQUIDS** – Water

KCAL – 0

LIQUIDS** – Light soft drinks

KCAL – 0

LIQUIDS** – Vinegar

KCAL – 14

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LIQUIDS** – Lemon Juice

KCAL – 22

* raw, 100 grams

** 100ml

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