Which animals have the most sex?

Perhaps due to the large number of species existing in the world and the difficulty in constantly monitoring their sexual habits, no researcher has ever prepared a scientific ranking on this.

To complicate matters further, scientists do not know the frequency of sexual activity in insects, one of the classes with the largest number of different species – around 1 million already described. It is known, however, that among mammals, predators at the top of food chains copulate more than prey. The reason is simple: as predators are not threatened by other animals, they can enjoy sex calmly and more often.

“Possible prey need to copulate quickly, even as a survival strategy. That’s what happens with rabbits, for example”, says geneticist Renato Zamora Flores, from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Within this logic, lions are lovers who appear to have the greatest sexual appetite in the animal kingdom. “The couple copulates dozens of times in the space of a few hours and the female even urges the male on when he is all down and tired”, says ethologist (a student of animal behavior) César Ades, from USP.

Another species well into sexual extravagance is the bonobo (Pan paniscus), although the specialty of this type of chimpanzee is not the number of relationships, but the way they do it. It is not uncommon to see them performing the most daring sexual adventures while hanging from trees. “They live as if they were a big family of husbands, wives and children in common. Observing them, we have the impression of sexual anarchy: sex between adults and children, between more than two individuals, in unimaginable positions”, says Renato Flores.

King of the jungle and the fuck

The lion, as far as experts know, is the great champion in sexual activity. There are records that, in the fertile period, males and females have sex about 50 times a day. Another study points out that, when in heat, the female is able to copulate every 15 minutes

The fashion

Sexually speaking, bonobos are the primates that most resemble us humans. They are sexually voracious and go to unthinkable extravagances when copulating. Among them, bisexual behavior is common

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