Where to study psychology online: main universities – Online Psychologists

Study psychology For many people, it is a way of getting closer to understanding the behaviors and motivations of the people around them.

This interest in studying psychology has made many universities offer the possibility of studying the current Degree in Psychology online.

Study Psychology online or at a distance It does not have to mean studying remotely. Currently, most centres that offer these courses offer personal and tutored monitoring of the student to achieve the highest academic performance.

If you are considering study psychology onlinethese are some alternatives that you should consider.


The National University of Distance Education It is the university with the largest number of students (more than 260,000 according to its own sources) and has been offering not only university studies but also continuing education for more than 40 years.

Their educational model is based on the autonomous learning through a virtual community. This community is made up of teachers and tutors, classmates, services and family and friends. In this way, UNED offers you the possibility of joining the knowledge society through their official studies.

It has a huge community of students who share content through the UNED Campus and numerous unofficial pages. You can visit the Faculty and Degree in Psychology website. Here you will find all the information regarding these studies. Given the large community of Psychology students at UNED, it is advisable that you contact them through their social networks, forums, blogs… and resolve any doubts that may arise. On an economic level, UNED is a good option, but you have to take into account the increase in costs for second and third registrations to avoid big scares (because otherwise you will get them).


The “Universitat Oberta de Catalunya” offers one of the most extensive catalogues of online training in Spain. The UOC has been a benchmark in online learning for years, although you should know, first of all, that it is a University whose studies in Catalan are subsidized (so the tuition price is very competitive) but we cannot say the same if you opt forr study at the UOC in Spanish.

Its educational model is based on content adapted to the professional needs of the moment and on the following pillars:

  • Social tools that facilitate collaborative work (blogs, wikis, social bookmarks, etc.).
  • Multimedia content that allows content to be offered in a multidimensional way.
  • Advanced communication systems, both synchronous and asynchronous, that facilitate agile, clear communication adapted to each situation (video chats, collective intelligence systems in forums, etc.).
  • 3D virtual environments based on video games that allow interaction with people and objects simulating real situations.
  • Access to training through mobile devices to promote mobility.

Scholarship for students who wish to study the course in Catalan. For more information on the content, prices and registration form, you can Visit their own website by clicking here.


The International University of La Rioja It is a completely online center of relatively recent creation, but with great potential.

With a good reputation and good treatment of students, it aspires to Offer and get individualized attention for each student, adapting to their needs and their pace of training by assigning a personal tutor to each of their students, thus avoiding overcrowding.

You can check their training plan for the Degree in Psychology. In addition to offering the different degrees, postgraduate degrees and doctorates, They have a wide cultural offer that ranges from congresses and conferences to university olympiads. In terms of price, it is quite a bit more expensive than its direct competition, the UNED, but it is important to note that its methodology is more practical and, therefore, if we pass the subjects on the first try (something that is not so easy at the UNED, as we are more alone), it may be of interest to us. It is advisable that they explain to us beforehand the weekly workload with the delivery of practical work to see if it fits with our lifestyle.


The people at VIU are working hard to promote their Online Psychology Degree, so it's easy to find them when searching. It's advisable to contact students who are already studying the Degree, given that there are bad reviews about the online support from professors and tutors and the heavy workload. The Valencian International University, a university with international projection, offers the Psychology Degree completely online.


The Distance University of Madrid has been offering its official distance education services for some time now and stands out for its international projection.

A few years ago they made headlines for (supposedly) making it easier for students to pass their exams. You can read the news in El Confidencial.

You can see his training plan for the Degree in Psychology.

Other options for studying psychology at a distance

The Catholic University of Murcia offers the possibility of studying the Degree in Psychology at a Distance for residents in Spain. You can consult the information here.

This university centre with physical headquarters in Valladolid offers psychology studies online.

What you need to consider when choosing a university to study Psychology online

  • If they have an official title.
  • ECT´s / hours of dedication.
  • Methodology.
  • What are the exams like?
  • Where the exams are held: if they are in-person, where are they located?
  • Whether the internships are mandatory and options for doing them.
  • Price per subject and price per subject not passed (how much do they cost for second, third, fourth registrations).
  • Cost of material: if it has to be purchased, if it is provided by the centre…
  • If the system is prepared for all types of devices (PC, iOS, tablet, mobile…).