Where to place a dream catcher to make it work

The dream Catcher either spider web it is very old. You have to go back to the pre-columbian america to find this tradition that, for centuries, has passed from generation to generation. Now, luckily, you can place them in your house, but not every place lends itself to it. For its power to work, it is necessary to have it in that place of the house where we rest, the bedroom.

The dream catcher and its importance through the ages

The shamans They used it to defend themselves while they slept. They were made with products from the nature that surrounded them, so that the energy was pure. But this tradition has a mythological origin.

Asibikaashi she was a goddess worshiped by the indigenous peoples of North America. It is said that she wove a kind of mesh, pretending to be a spiderwith the purpose of protect minorsespecially children, of bad thoughts and nightmares that they could invade during night sleep.

With the passage of time, and for fear that this belief would end up being forgotten, the grandmothers of those tribes created these dream Catcher to continue defending their descendants, in the absence of men, who used to go to war. they knew very well where to put a dream catcher.

Despite modern times and the new territories created after the discovery and independence of America, these tribal jewelry. Fortunately, they have been able to keep the same meaning they used to have, although there are those who do not miss the opportunity to use them ornamentdespite the fact that they fail to make their true function useful.

His popularity thanks to the movement hippy

The 60’s they meant a worldwide revolution in all facets of life. the cry of freedom It extended to each of the continents that make up our planet. Surely you have been able to hear some anecdote of loved ones who lived in these times.

One of the ideas that the movement hippy it was to recover the meaning of the past, bringing into fashion styles that seemed lost or that simply belonged to civilizations closer to nature. It was a time to demand peace and the brotherhood of the universe.

Among the objects consecrated by this movement was the dreamcatcher or dream catcher. This came to walk decorating the vans, they were placed on the outskirts of the houses, hoping for the arrival of positive energy and trying to remove the negative. Some did know how to use it in the old days.

Dreamcatcher at home

at the time of knowing where to put a dream catcher at home, you have to take into account the information we gave you at the beginning. Serving to protect children’s sleep, as well as bad thoughts, the ideal place to place it is the bedroom. also works for kids and adultsso do not underestimate its power and choose to put one near your bed.

There are people who prefer to place it in the head of the bed. That is the most appropriate place, since, being close to your head, their magical powers they will act directly on you so that you wake up full of energy and wanting to do great things during the day.

The dreamcatcher guarantee your rest. If, for some reason, a bad dream tries to invade your mind, the dream catcher works as a receiver of those negative energies that try to enter you, many times caused by envy or bad desires of third parties.

with the dawn, sunlight purifies this circular object, achieving that, through the central hole, that bad energy that has been accumulating at night comes out. That way, when the next night rolls around, it’ll be ready to give you the protection you deserve.

As of before, it is a better idea that you place this artifact near a window, as close as possible to the head of your bed. You will see how you have sweet dreams and nothing has to disturb you during the night.

In the case of kidsit is easy to know where to place a dream Catcher. If you are pregnant, it is time to buy one or make it with your own hands, to place it above the crib. The ancient ones were made of wood and branches, they were also adorned with bird feathers.

If you want you can make one at home, with a metal or wooden wheel and, with wool, cover the entire circle and form a braided network, spider web style. A few fringes that hang evenly can give it an elegant touch. There are different combinations that you can easily find online. You just have to put a little imagination into it and, best of all, transmit your positive energy to it, so that your little ones are well protected.

A dream Catcher It is an amulet that every house must have. If you know where to place a dream catcher you will be able to eliminate negative energy and, above all, keep your children protected, guaranteeing them a deep sleep and better awakening.