Feng Shui suggests that they exist plants that attract good luckmoney and abundance, in addition to helping to optimize the energy flow in the home. However, if the plants are placed in the wrong place you can cause the opposite and make you lose money, lose good luck and even prevent the flow of energy according to Feng Shui. But do not worry that so that this does not happen to you, we listed for you the places where you should not put the plants of the abundance, know them all!
Feng Shui recommends not putting the plants of abundance inside the bathroom.CLAUS GRÜNSTäudl / UNSPLASH
Never inside the bathroom
To begin, it is important that you do not keep your plants of abundance in the bathroom since the humidity of the area can affect them. In addition the Feng Shui does not recommend Locate these plants In this area since energy does not flow in that space since they are commonly small and locked rooms.
Take your kitchen plants
The kitchen is not recommended to position Money plants since temperature changes can affect them. According to Feng Shui It is important to position the plants of abundance in the largest areas of the home such as the stay or the dining room, so better take them out of the kitchen and place them in a common area to enjoy all the benefits of the plants.
The bedroom is a great place for plants but it is better to keep the plants of abundance in another area. Spacejoy / UNSPLASH
Keep them away from the bedroom
Although the bedroom is one of the most important areas for Feng Shui, The plants of money and abundance They should not be positioned in this room. This space is a place of relaxation and away from money, so it is better to keep this plant in another area and replace it with special relaxing plants for the bedroom.
Outside but not far from the house
It is known that the plants of abundance and the plants that attract money They can be positioned outside the home since this helps protect the house from the energy that enters the home. However, it is important that If your money plants are out of your homemake sure they are not far from the main entrance since if they are far it is complicated that they fulfill their function and can become counterproductive.
Never under the stairs
The space under the stairs is not ideal to position Your plants of abundance since the energy stagnates in that area and it is complicated that it flows in the best way. It is also important to take into account that this area does not usually receive enough sun and this can be counterproductive for the plant.