Fairies inhabit your headdresses, your wardrobe, they live with your pets, they transform your many clothes into your beds and your kitchen is the ideal place to hide. This collection showcases each and every one of these fairies in kitchens, sewing rooms, closets, among flowers, and more.
origin of the fairies
Many legends are heard about the origin of fairies, one of which is that they are rebellious angels who were banished to live in the air, in the sea, in the abysses, etc. Another story of legendary history ensures that they are spirits of little deceased who have not received the sanctimonious baptism.
It is also estimated that at the beginning of the formation of the oceans and mountains, the fairies lived in a specific area of the earth, after which they spread across the planet, taking specific names, for example fairies in the huge fields, Gnomes under the earth, in the meadows they were called goblins, mischievous goblins who inhabit the entire planet.
What do fairies eat?
According to mythology, fairies feed primarily on milk and derivatives. They usually drink milk directly from the cows, however, when a human leaves a glass of milk for the fairies, they bless the house and its inhabitants.
It should be noted that even if humans do not offer milk to the fairies, they will still steal it on the first occasion, but they will not bless the house or protect it. They also have the possibility of feeding on flowers and trees, which give them their magical power and have an unimaginable taste.
What do elves eat?
And what do elves eat? Some children assume that we have beans for breakfast, but our energy comes from porridge anyway; this is my favorite dish. We elves love porridge!
Where are the elves?
What are Fairies and Elves?
Fairies are mythical beings, corresponding to the northern civilization of the 16th century, which stood out for their supernatural characteristics. The name Fairy was first used well over 700 years ago as a way of detecting beings from another planet, and was eventually replaced by the names Elf or Goblin.
It would be said that the fairies arise from a popular people like folk, or good people. And the way in which they have commonly been represented is by means of a human silhouette, of an angelic type, but very small in size, however, in legends it would be said that fairies have the possibility of having many different forms.
deer where it lives
Read much more about academies and nurseries here.
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