When will the heat wave enter Mexico and what measures should we follow?

As the years go by, the heat becomes a constant that strikes harder as a result of global warming. But regardless of this human-caused increase in temperatures, the planet already experiences annual natural weather phenomena where temporary heat is experienced. The heatwave is one of them, where we must have the necessary measures in place to protect ourselves from the heat.

When does the heat wave come in?

Normally, the heatwave lasts for a few summer days, which is when the highest temperatures are experienced. According to weather reports, the heatwave of 2022 will enter Mexico on July 3 and will last until Thursday, August 11.

It is expected that during this period the thermometers will reach temperatures ranging from 37ºC to 40ºC. However, although summer is one of the seasons with the highest rainfall, the absence of rain, which is a characteristic of this meteorological phenomenon, will have a full impact and will promote higher thermal sensations.

heatwave characteristics

This meteorological phenomenon causes a reduction in rainfall during the rainy season, that is, in summer. Normally it occurs at the end of July and lasts for 40 days, until August and in unusual conditions it can last until September. This phenomenon, also known as mid-summer or veranillo intra-summer drought, mainly affects Central America and the Dry Corridor area.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Dry Corridor is a large area that extends along the Pacific coast, from Chiapas, Mexico, to western Panama. Other Central American nations such as Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and part of Costa Rica are part of it.

The main characteristic of the heatwave is the lack of rain. This «because the trade winds, blowing strongly from the East, prevent the formation of clouds over the ocean,» says Conagua. In addition, there are temperatures above 37°C, warming of the air and clear skies.


During this period of summer, it is important to stay informed about the temperature and the possible consequences that it can cause. Heat strokes are one of the most frequent symptoms of exposure to high temperatures, so official recommendations must be taken into account to avoid possible dehydration and health consequences.

The Conagua recommends:

  • Consume foods rich in vitamins and minerals, such as fruit and vegetables.
  • Stay hydrated and avoid alcoholic beverages
  • Do not expose yourself to the sun during its maximum hours
  • use sunscreen
  • Wear hats, caps, sunglasses, and light-colored clothing.
  • Take extreme care when preparing food, verify its good condition
  • Avoid strenuous physical activity
  • Stay sheltered in the shade

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