When to give your dog a wormer, in the morning or in the evening? Professional clarifies

Dogs are out and about every day. And there are definitely some risks lurking in the great outdoors.

For example parasites and worms. So that your dog is neither plagued nor ill by these, you should give him regular worming give.

But when should he get it? Morning or evening? We will tell you the answer in the following guide.

When should I give my dog ​​the dewormer? Morning or evening?

Generally plays the time of day not a crucial role for administering the wormer. This means that you can theoretically give it to him in the morning, at noon or in the evening.

Good to know:

BUT: wormers can have side effects. And affect the well-being of your dog. That’s why we recommend the worming treatment given as early as possible in the day

If your dog gets worse after the wormer, for example Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or even shortness of breath occur, you can go to the vet immediately. Which is a little more difficult in the evening.

We also recommend that you to choose a day when you are at home. No, usually there is no reason to worry.

But it definitely doesn’t hurt to be able to keep an eye on your fur nose for the next few hours and to take it easy on your dog after the wormer.

Do I have to give my dog ​​a wormer?

The answer to that is: Yes. Whether as a tablet, injection or spot-on: a wormer prevents your dog from becoming seriously ill.

By the way, this also applies to you. Because worms by no means stay exclusively with the host dog. So you should definitely start taking precautions against worms.

It happens very quickly that you Infected yourself with worms when you collect the dog poo. Do you have other pets? Then there is also the risk that they will be affected by the worm infestation.

Good to know:

The European Scientific Counsel Companion Animal Parasites Germany eV/ESCCAP has 4 worm risk groups classified. According to this, you should deworm your dog or have its feces examined as follows:

  • Risk group A: 1-2x/year against tapeworms and roundworms
  • Risk group B: 4x/year against tapeworms and roundworms
  • Risk group C: 12x/year against tapeworms, 4x/year against roundworms
  • Risk group D: 12x/year against tapeworms and roundworms

The frequency also depends on what dog you have and what your preferences are he has.

Hunting dogs, dogs that like to eat mice and the like and those that live in a household with babies should be dewormed particularly often.

You can use the deworming test to find out how often your dog should be dewormed.

Deworm before or after eating?

There are medications that are particularly effective on an empty stomach, while others are not. Should you Now give your dog a wormer on an empty stomach?

experts say Yes. It works best before your dog has had his breakfast. So that he, for example pill also eats, you can hide it in a treat.

So your fur nose not only has the worming «intus», but also a tiny breakfast.


There are some natural remedies, which are intended to prevent a possible worm infestation – which a wormer cannot do. This includes, among other things coconut oil.

How long does it take for the worm tablet to work?

It usually takes a while for the wormer to take effect 24 hours. After this time, the worms have been killed and excreted.

Good to know:

You should do a wormer definitely not preventative insert. Because it only works if there is a worm infestation.

What else do I have to consider when doing a worm treatment?

We already mentioned it. A wormer can associated with the above side effects be. Which is why many dog ​​owners are very reluctant to give them to their four-legged friends.

Still, most vets advise that a wormer every 3 months is administered.

Because: The health damage that worms can cause are far worsethan the possible side effects.

You should also note that age of your dog. Do you have a puppiesthis one should dewormed more often become, as an adult dog.

Here, many veterinarians recommend that deworming every 2 weeks takes place. So as long as the puppies are still being suckled by their mother.

Because: Worms can also get into the puppy’s organism via the mother’s milk.

Why it is like that? The little mice are on the one hand very exploratoryso stick their sweet noses into everything they find.

On the other hand it is Immune system not particularly strong. Worms can do much more damage here than in an adult and healthy dog.

One last tip: give your dog a dewormer only after consultation with your veterinarian. This can – if you wish – also in advance fecal analysis make.

This makes sense if your Dog shows no obvious symptoms or has already passed worms with the faeces.

Good to know:

A wormer does not work like a vaccination or a spot-on. This means: only an acute infestation is effectively combated.

If your dog sticks his nose back into a worm-infested poop after the 24 hours above, the fun starts all over again.


One Dog worming is mandatory – you may not be enthusiastic about the possible side effects of the tablet or injection.

Because a worm infestation can in some cases much worse effects on your dog’s health.

In addition, you also protect yourself – and, if you have any, other pets that live with you. We therefore recommend that you carry out these if necessary. Your dog will thank you.

How do you feel about deworming dogs? Or how regularly do you do this?

Or can you give us a tip for a natural alternative? Then we would be happy if you share them with us in the comments.