When should you redeem a dog? Is there a right time to euthanize a dog?
Today’s article is about these questions and everything related to them.
Unfortunately, our beloved four-legged friends do not live forever, but at some point we face one of the hardest decisions in our lives:
When is the time to say goodbye? When should I have my dog put to sleep?
When is the right time to put the dog to sleep?
Let’s get one thing straight from the start: there is no right time to put your dog to sleep.
It’s always one individual decisionwhen suffering triumphs over life.
It’s a difficult decision for us to make, but one made from the heart, it’s also a decision for the dog.
Being able to spare a beloved friend unnecessary pain is quite a fortunate position, isn’t it?
But how do you prepare for it?
Can you prepare for euthanasia?
Yes, you can prepare insofar as you dealt with the topic. How deep you want to delve into the topic in general is of course up to you.
Keeping in mind that everything is finite is sometimes not that easy. The Preparing for the euthanasia of an old dog therefore neither.
You should definitely talk to your vet. Also for emergencies.
How and when can he be reached? Is there an emergency contact, e.g. a nearby veterinary clinic, if your vet is not available?
Talking to your vet isn’t just about putting your old dog to sleep at some point.
You should also have an emergency contact in case of an accident and it doesn’t hurt to have asked yourself a few of these questions.
When is life no longer worth living for the dog and it’s time to redeem him?
Ask yourself seriously if you can improve the situation for your dog again.
Or will it only get worse for him from here? Is your dog in severe pain?
You know your dog best. signs like severe panting, apathy, disorientation, loss of appetite, wandering around, difficulty getting upindicate that your old dog is not doing well.
Did you know that many animals last longer for their owners than they would otherwise live?
It is the Bond formed between a dog and its humanwhich does not allow some four-legged friends to walk.
You can actively and intensively make the decision yourself that your dog is allowed to go when it is time. You will feel it and so will your dog!
Release the dog even though it’s still eating?
There is no general answer to whether a dog should be released if it is still eating.
This question must always be considered individually.
It can happen that your old dog ate a few crumbs yesterday and today you think: it won’t work anymore!
The question of whether I put my dog to sleep too early twitches many a head afterwards.
If both you and your vet made this decision from a pure heart, it will not have been too soon.
2 1/2 reasons to have a dog put to sleep
Two reasons probably spring to mind for euthanizing a dog or other creature such as a cat, rabbit, or horse.
We think these two are the only right ones:
- Age-related, because the dog succumbs to its pain and there is no improvement in sight – Of course, this decision can only be made in close consultation with the veterinarian.
Good to know:
No vet will agree to euthanizing a dog that may still have a life worth living!
There are reasons that are simply not reasons, such as incontinence in old age or lack of money. Rescuing without a vet is not an option!
- Severe/ irreparable injuries after an accident or terminal illnesses with severe disabilities
2½ Dogs are euthanized because they are considered too dangerous.
What do you think about, Dogs with high potential for aggression put to sleep?
We would be very interested in your opinion in the comments!
What methods of euthanasia are there?
Often you have the choice whether you want your dog Euthanize at home or at the vet’s office want to leave.
This is how euthanasia works
Either yours will come vet to your home, or you take your dog to the veterinary practice.
You can discuss this with your vet beforehand.
Your dog should complete his last walk in a calm and relaxed atmosphere allowed to go.
Then your dog gets one anesthetics injected, which is intensified once he has fallen asleep.
A overdosed narcotics slows his heart and eventually stops it.
Does my dog suffer when euthanized?
No, your dog will not suffer when euthanized as long as the procedure is performed professionally!
Except for the syringe needle, your dog does not feel the euthanasia.
Of course he senses that something is different than usual and every dog reacts differently in this situation.
If you already know from experience that your dog doesn’t like the vet’s office at all, it may be a better choice to have your vet come to your home for euthanasia.
Will my dog know he’s being put to sleep?
There’s no definitive answer to that, but it’s likely that a dog will realize when it’s allowed to walk.
He, too feels that he has grown old and certainly knows much better than we do when his time has come.
In any case, we wish everyone a lot of strength for this last, dignified path and that every dog and every other living being gets over the rainbow bridge safely!
Proper preparation for euthanasia
A good Preparation for euthanasia you meet by:
- you’ll find out how by reading this article
- chatting with your vet (and also listening to other vets’ opinions)
- interact with other dog owners
- share with family, friends and acquaintances
- generally deal with the finitude of life and make friends
Sometimes loving means letting go.
This is how you stand by your dog in his last hours
No matter how it comes: stay with him.
Stay with your dog for the last few hours!
You were always with him, so please don’t leave him alone now. Just be there for him. For your good old friend.
Other animals in the household should also have the opportunity to say goodbye and here, too, the paths are individual. Right is often what feels right for you.
What happens after euthanasia?
After euthanizing a dog or other pets are there various possibilities.
Although we continue to write “your dog” below, we only mean its physical shell. His soul and the memories that connect you live on in you!
- You bury your dog in the garden – but you can’t just do that everywhere. If you live for rent or in a water or nature reserve, you can’t bury your dog in the garden!
- You bury your dog on one pet cemetery
- Your dog gets a natural grave in one Friedwald
- You leave your dog in one animal crematorium burn and the the Ashes in an urn to send.
- You leave your dog in animal crematorium and leave the ashes there.
- You hand the dog over to your vet and he takes care of the cremation
It’s good to deal with when owning a dog, especially an old dog.
Also, let me tell you that none of these decisions are wrong. An urn and the cremation cost money, depending on the size and weight of a dog.
Not everyone can afford this to the full extent and everything is okay!
There’s a lot more to it than just picking the right time.
himself with the Theme death and euthanasia of a dog dealing with it is far more profound.
We hope that it is a matter of honor for you to accompany your dog on its final journey.
No matter how difficult it will be. Remember how beautiful your lifetime was together and that he is the one who is dying and not you.
Please excuse the harsh words, but that’s the way it is. Of course, everyone deals with grief differently, and that’s okay too.
It’s still nice when a dog is allowed to walk with love and dignity.
A real heavy heart issue. Nice that you are dealing with it, even if it takes courage and strength.
You yourself will grow by investing your time in connecting with your dog, cultivating values such as dignity, love and friendship and paying your last respects to a weak, old creature.
Thank you for reading this article. Now you can take a deep breath!
If you have any questions about this Subject of euthanasia – timing, reasons or process If you have, please let us know in the comments.