When the woman looks for the man, is it frowned upon?

Many people think that it is frowned upon when a girl or woman looks for a man for love or sexual purposes, but why? Isn’t that a good way to find a partner?

For many of us, it is natural for the boy to look for the girl when there is sexual tension or love interest between the two. It’s classic behavior that we learned and repeated.

However, when the conquest is raised to the contrary, that we are the ones who look for themwe immediately thought that we would not be able to do that.

Do you think it’s wrong when the woman looks for the man?

Before giving you the reasons why this happens, we wanted to ask your opinion about it. For it, We did the following VibraSurvey

Turns out it’s a cultural thing. Both men and women are educated with the idea of ​​conquest as something masculine and acceptable; the female role in it must be passive.

And when this is not the case and the woman is the one who is searching, she is socially judged for endorsing a role that is considered alien to her gender. In conclusion, the only reason it’s wrong is in the heads of the people who criticize.

Some women may be left alone wanting company just because they are afraid of what they will say, as comments such as that it is easy or desperate arise.

Experts indicate.

Would you look for a boy you like?

With information from: SBS